Goes to Korea, Part 14: I Said a Wrong Thing

"This is your fault! Your fault! Your fault!" exclaimed Neptunus as he hurriedly tidied up his belongings at the hotel.

"Stop blaming me, you better speed up your hand clearing your things!" Nuansa is angry now because she can't accept that she is blamed by Neptunus now.

"This is one hundred percent your fault, if only you didn't ask me to go buy dodol earlier, maybe we wouldn't feel worried about missing our flight like this!"

"You took me to that place, so it was normal that my eyes glanced at a dodol seller and my belly wanted it!"

"I only took you there to take a shortcut, not to browse the foods that were there!"

"Never mind, never mind, after all, what I bought was just dodol, it's rare to find dodol in Korea, right?"
