
 Hoho opens the trunk of Neptunus' car, then Nuansa takes her belongings out and Neptunus' belongings from there.

"Eh, uh, Miss, you don't need to takes these out, just let me do it alone," said Hoho.

"It's okay, Uncle, just let me do it," said Nuansa, she and Neptunus had now arrived at Neptunus' house, and are now in the garage of the house.

"Just let me do it, Miss, it is okay, this is my job."


"It is okay, take a rest, Miss, I will bring these all."

Nuansa then stepped aside and let Hoho take her things and Neptunus' things, then take them inside.

Seeing Hoho who is carrying all the items at once, Nuansa feels even worse, who she is that she's treated like that by the maid in this house, and besides that, the girl also feels bad for another thing, she feels sorry for the middle-aged man because Hoho is in his old age, he is no longer suitable to carry such things even though his status is a maid here.