There is Love Everywhere

 "By the way, they are getting married in the next two weeks, so you will be invited because our contract period will not end yet when they get married," said Neptunus to Nuansa.

"Two weeks from now? So fast, they don't need preparation or anything?!" said Nuansa who can not believe what Neptunus said just now.

"They have been making preparations for a long time, and my mom already could tell that in the end, I would still bless their relationship."


"They got me, they made me playing in their game, hahaha. But it's okay, it's all for my mom's happiness."

"Then, that means Uncle Eugene's family will be coming to the wedding?" asked Nuansa.

"Why do you ask that?" Neptunus asked her back.

"Because I'm curious about his family, do you know how his family is?"

"His family? Gosh, I don't even know his home address."


"It's true, and I don't think Vega knows it either."