Romantic Dinner -

    Some time after Nuansa went to his house, Reynand intended to return to his office, but suddenly the car that Vega noticed earlier was nearby. Apparently, without realizing it, Reynand, the car was actually going very slowly since earlier, and at this time the car was blocking Reynand's road.

The car no longer follows Neptune's car.

Lazy to make a fuss, Reynand then chose to ignore the car. A few moments later, the driver came out, who turned out to be Emma.

This meant that Emma had been following Neptune's car until she managed to find Nuansa's home address and meet Reynand.

"Who are you?" Emma asked Reynand, but Reynand did not respond, naturally, imagine if suddenly there are strangers who are not known to ask us, surely we will think that person is just a madman.

"Sir, I'm talking to you," continued Emma.