Nathan VS Diandra

From his room, Nathan went to the garden and meditated there, he tried to remember what happened last night, until finally he remembered that last night he was drunk, but he didn't know what caused it, his memory was not very clear, aka vague. -mask.

All he remembers is he slowly mysteriously drunk at dinner last night, then he was brought by Satria and Jaka into his room, then the day changed to morning and he woke up with Diandra next to him.

'What really happened? Why did I suddenly get drunk last night? And how can Diandra be in my room? I never raped her, and I'm also sure that last night I didn't come to her room. I can confirm if he lied about the rape that he said I had done to him many times, but I can't guarantee whether what he told me about what I did last night was true or not, my memory of it really doesn't exist, but I'm just sure. if that too is a lie, but I have no evidence to prove it, 'thought Nathan.