
"George ... you ..." Diandra looked difficult to speak and breathe.

"If you do not understand what my position is, you should stop blaming me like that, because this is not my fault at all, since the beginning I told you to abort your pregnancy, but you do not want to follow my advice. This is all your fault, and not at all my fault. , I have been very kind to help you this far, I obeyed your laughter, but when you realized that you had taken a wrong step and shouldn't put your laughter first, you blamed me. You're the disgusting one, you cheap woman! " concluded George who then pushed Diandra's body firmly enough that Diandra bounced and slammed onto his bed.

George then came out of Diandra's room, he returned to his and Michelle's room, while Diandra was silent on his bed with a feeling of shock, because he never thought that George would treat him so badly.