Ending, The New Beginning

'How could this happen?! How can?!!!' shouted Diandra in his heart.


A few dozen minutes later in the room of Nathan, Nathan finally finished choosing the clothes that will be brought, he then went to Nuance to sit on his bed as he bowed.

The nuance from earlier did not say a word, neither did Nathan. For Nathan it might be natural, because the man was busy choosing his clothes, but for Nuansa, of course there must be something stuck in his heart that made him finally fall silent like this.

Nathan then sat down next to Nuansa stroking the girl's hair.

"What is wrong?" Nathan asked Nuansa.

"Is Diandra all right?" said Nuansa.

Naturally Nathan was amazed by these words of Nuance. "What do you mean?" asked Nathan.

"I ... I don't know, for some reason I suddenly feel sorry for her, moreover she's pregnant right, so ... I'm starting to think, she's wrong, but does she deserve all the punishment for her later?" said Nuansa.