Chapter 178

 "You're going to die here, same as it seems," said this mysterious person.

"I know you intend to finish me here, but of course I didn't come here to let you do that," said George.

"You came empty-handed, and you confidently said such a thing?" The person then took something out of his pants pocket using his hand which was covered by rubber gloves.

'I see, yes, he intends to kill me and sort this out quickly. He used rubber gloves like that so that the death he wanted seemed like an ordinary suicide case, it's no wonder there were no traces of hers on Diandra's body, it turned out that she was using rubber gloves to prevent what was really happening from being revealed and made me look like someone who had been. kill Diandra. No, it's not his work alone, there's been a lot of interference, but ... I don't think that's what I should be thinking about right now, what's more he's preparing to shoot me now, 'George thought.