
That feeling.

"Why did he get so angry"? I expected him to get angry, but I didn't expect it to be that much". Rita said to herself, she was still dumbfounded at how Mark walked out on her and how annoyed he was. She was supposed to be working right now, but she couldn't, her mind was roving about in thought. She sat on one of the couches in her parlor, her house was really spacious, her bank account was loaded with money because she was a very successful young fashion designer. Her mum's happiness was what made her try convincing Mark to oblige to their mum's offer, but here she was regretting her decision. She thought of how angry she would be if someone told her to stop fashion designing, she then understood why Mark was so angry at her. Quitting what you have passion for wasn't that easy, She felt sorry for all she said to Mark.

"I shouldn't have said those words to him, I shouldn't have tried to persuade him to quit music, I can't risk another person's happiness because I want to make my mum happy".

Meanwhile, Mark was in the studio producing some cool beats to ease his troubled heart and mind. Throughout his stay in the studio, he seemed to had forgotten what transpired between him and his sister, something else was running through his mind. He kept on thinking about Isabel, she had been on his mind from the first time he fell for her at the pool. He wanted to call her, but he wasn't sure if he should do that now.

"Should I call her, should I not"? Mark asked himself with a confused mind.

He battled with his confused thoughts for some seconds before he finally decided to call Isabel.

He put the phone call through, but she didn't pick up. He called her two more times, but his phone call was still unanswered. His heart skipped a bit when she finally answered the phone call after calling her the third time,

"Hello". Isabel uttered

Mark couldn't say a word, it wasn't much of a big deal, but he was still in surprise that she answered his phone call. She answering his phone call made his heart skip, that was how much he had fallen in love with her.

"Hello, Hello, is anyone on the line"? Isabel asked after realizing that the caller wasn't replying to her. Mark finally got his speech back,

"Yes, there is someone on the line, do you know who is speaking to you"?

"Not really, but the voice looks very familiar". Isabel said still trying to access where she had heard this familiar voice from.

"It seems like you didn't save my name to your contact after saving my phone number, do you remember Mark? if you do, it's Mark speaking". Mark stated, he was a bit disappointed that she couldn't remember him.

"Oh! Mark, I am so sorry that I didn't recognize your voice, and I am so sorry that I didn't save your name to my contact, it skipped my mind". Isabel said feeling apologetic.

"No probs at all, you shouldn't be that apologetic to me, we are all humans, and we do forget and make mistakes sometimes". Mark stated, even though he was a bit disappointed that she didn't recognize his voice, he really didn't want an apology from her.

Isabel smiled, she loved his way of speech and his humble spirit,

"Ok, if you say so". She uttered.

Mark didn't have plans of telling her what he felt for her on phone, he wanted them to meet somewhere so he could express his feelings to her while seeing her reaction. He hesitated before speaking up once more,

"Isabel, I want to tell you something very important, but not on phone right now, let's meet at the 'Botanic gardens', maybe tomorrow, if your schedule permits, so we can talk properly".

"Hmmm, I would be very busy in the morning, but I would be less busy in the afternoon, so let's meet in the afternoon at the time of 3' O'clock". Said Isabel.

"Ok, thanks, I would be expecting you tomorrow at the 'Botanic gardens', bye". Mark said with so much enthusiasm in his voice.

"Byeeee, see you tomorrow". Isabel uttered lastly ending the phone conversation.

Mark was so delighted, Isabel was actually the one that scheduled a meeting time. Wow! that's so nice, she really wants a conversation with him. Mark's troubled and sad mood had already converted to a happy mood. The only problematic thought in his mind was if Isabel's feelings were as the same as his,

"Does she have feelings for me at all, or am I wasting my time"? Mark asked himself.

He produced some more cool beats before standing up to leave the studio. He wanted to head over to his apartment to freshen up and eat something, he was a bit hungry.

Isabel couldn't exactly position what Mark wanted to discuss with her. But she knew that she was in the mood to have a conversation with him. She was still confused about whether she should tell her best friend, Theresa, about it. She finally made up her mind not to tell Theresa about it.

The next day, as of the time of 2:30 Pm, Mark was already seated at the 'Botanic gardens' waiting for Isabel's arrival. The scheduled meeting time was 3:00 pm, but he couldn't wait, he wanted to be there before her. He opened his mouth in amazement when he saw Isabel coming, she was looking so beautiful and gorgeous. Her fashion sense was one of a kind, her dressing was so cool from head to toe that gave her that sexy look and shape. She came over to the chair where Mark was seated and chipped in,


"You are looking very beautiful". Mark said complimenting her beauty.

"You ain't looking that bad either". Isabel said returning the compliment sitting very close to Mark.

"So what would you like us to eat or drink"? Mark inquired of her.

"I don't want something too heavy, so I'll prefer we eat popcorn". Isabel stated.

"Ok". Mark said standing up to get the popcorn.

He brought two packs of popcorn, gave her one, and took one for himself. The breeze circulating the 'Botanic gardens' was so cool and splendid because there were lots of beautiful trees and flowers there. The 'Botanic gardens' happens to be a place where people come for recreational activities, a place to have fun, and a peaceful place for rest. It's a very nice place for couples to go on dates and to have fun, that was why Mark chose this place for him and Isabel to meet and converse. They crunched their popcorns for some time before Mark triggered a conversation.

"Isabel, you remembered I told you on the phone that I have something important to tell you, do you have a hint on what I want to discuss with you"? Mark asked her.

"I don't, at all". Isabel replied.

"You remembered when you and Theresa approached me at the pool, and we got to know more about each other, we even exchanged phone numbers. Throughout my conversation with you and Theresa, I noticed that you were more reserved and calm, and you are prettier. I fell for you at that moment, that was the main reason why I suggested that we exchange phone numbers, so I could call you later. I really like you, Isabel, I don't know if you feel the same for me also". Mark said with love written all over his face and body posture.

Isabel was dumbfounded by what she just heard, she didn't expect it, it hit her so hard. She was in love with Mark, but not in a romantic way, she loved him as a friend. She loved his way of talking and his behavior, he was the type of person she would love to have as a friend. She didn't want to break his heart, but she had no other option than to tell him what she truly felt for him.

"Mark, from the very first time I met you at the pool, I loved your behavior, the way you spoke and your swimming skill was so fascinating. And you are the type of person I would like to have as a friend, but I am so sorry, I don't love you romantically". Isabel said feeling apologetic, she hated the fact that she would have to hurt his feelings.

The little hope Mark had that Isabel might like him all vanished. He was disappointed that she didn't felt the same way for him. He felt like crying, but he had to stay strong, crying in front of her would be much of an embarrassment.

"No problem at all, it isn't your fault, no hard feeling". Mark said that, but he was dying inside.

"I am so sorry, I am really sorry". Isabel apologized already feeling emotional.

"No probs, you don't need to be sorry, in fact, let's change the topic, how is Theresa"? Mark stated altering the topic of discussion.

Isabel smiled, she loved the fact that Mark didn't take offense like how other guys would if they were rejected by a girl. She really liked his behavior and she wants him as a friend.

"Theresa is fine, she is very busy right now". Isabel replied.

"That's cool, looks like she is a very busy woman". Mark said.

Mark and Isabel conversed and talked about other things and topics for a while before Isabel decided to leave.

"I am gonna be leaving now, I am so sorry for.....

"Ssshhhh, you don't have to apologize again, send my regards to Theresa, be safe, bye". Mark said cutting her words short, he didn't want to hear her apology anymore, it wasn't her fault that she didn't like him".

"Bye". Isabel said before leaving.

Mark wanted to stuff his mouth with more popcorn, so he purchased another pack of popcorn and began stuffing his mouth with popcorn in sadness until he finished it. He left the 'Botanic gardens' feeling so downhearted and sad. He came with so much happiness, but here he was leaving, feeling so sad.