

It wasn't much of a long drive before they arrived at the studio, the cab men drove fast but not carelessly. Not only that the drive was rapid, it was also smooth with the cool music that played in both taxies. They came off from the taxies and footed their bills with the cab men before entering the studio. The expression on the faces of the girls indicated that they were fascinated by what they were seeing in the studio, most of them even opened their mouths in awe.

Mark noticed the amazement on their faces, and he was like,

"Haven't they seen a studio before? what's with the amazed look?"

Most of them began walking about in the compartment touching some of the studio's equipment, they laid hands on the studio's computer, studio's microphones, headphones, and the rest. They were touching and caressing them as they had never seen it before, and Mark was stunned by it to the extent that he had to question them,

"Have you girls never been to a studio before?".

"No, not at all". Four of the girls replied while the rest were still roaming about in the studio room touching things".

"Not even a mini studio?". Mark asked again.

"No, what could we be doing in a studio room, as if we were an artiste that have written songs to record". Retorted one of the girls.

"That's true, at least, you girls have been to a studio now, the way you all were walking about and touching things with amazement on your faces was making me amazed also".

"Sorry for that, just that we were stunned by what we were seeing, it's new to us".

"No...no, you don't need to be sorry, I was just saying, you girls are my fans, we should be free with each other, there's no need to be sorry".

Climaxing with that statement, Mark sat on one of the chairs in the studio room gesturing with his hands for the girls to take their seats also. Some of the girls sat on the seats available in the studio while the others managed the table squeezing themselves for it to contain them all. Mark glanced at each of their faces and he could tell that they were waiting patiently for him to commence with the freestyle recording, but Mark had something to ask of them before he would proceed with the recording, so he said to them,

"You girls already know my name, but I don't know yours, you all are gonna tell me your names before I proceed with the freestyle recording".

One of the girls abruptly stood up from the chair saying,

"Let me be the one to introduce their names to you, I just feel like doing so".

"Ok, go on". Mark uttered granting permission.

"My name is Olivia, that is Ava, then Chloe, Victoria, Nora, Emma, Ella, Hannah, and Amelia". Olivia said introducing their names while pointing to each of them.

"Wow! pretty names for pretty girls".

"Thanks". They said with elegant smiles on their faces.

"I know you all are itching to hear me record, right?"

"Yes, we are".

"Listen to these beats first and tell me how nice they sound".

He walked over to the studio's computer and played the first beat, speaking of a beat that could hook a person's attention, that's exactly how the beat sounds like. The girls were already nodding their heads in an indication that they were feeling the beat immensely.

"Wow! this beat is damn cool, like I am feeling it to my bones, it is so melodious and vibeful". Chloe declared expressing what she felt about the beat.

"That's true, so much vibe". Olivia added with her statement as the others nodded their heads in agreement.

"How many percent would you girls score the beat from zero to hundred?" Mark inquired of them.

"A hundred percent". They all retorted.

"Listen to this other beat I am about to play and score it for me also".

He played the other beat, and from the beginning to the climax of the beat, the girls didn't nod their heads that much to it, they didn't feel it as much as they felt the first one. The beat was somehow rough, rapid, and bumpy, it sounded like a beat used for recording rap music.

"What percentage score would you girls give to this beat?"

"I would give it a sixty percent". Emma said scoring the beat according to how much she enjoyed it.

"I would give it a score of sixty-five percent". Nora uttered.

The rest of the girls scored the beat and none of them scored it above 65 percent. Mark knew the reason why their scoring wasn't as good as the first one, but he still asked them anyway.

"Why the low scoring?"

"Umm, the beat isn't as nice and melodious as the first one, it was bumpy and rapid, am ain't saying that it isn't a good beat, but it isn't just my type". Olivia spoke first.

"Yeah, isn't just my type of beat also". Nora added.

The others gave their comments on the beat and it wasn't that positive and wasn't that negative either.

"I am gonna do some freestyle recording with those two beats separately then the scoring would take place, listen and enjoy". Mark stated playing the first beat as he walked over to the studio's microphone with the headphone well placed on his head.

"Yaaah!". They exclaimed out in joy, finally, the recording was about to begin.

The beat played as Mark kept on oozing out nice lyrics from his mouth that matched perfectly with the beat. It was just a freestyle singing, he didn't write down the lyrics, they were just flowing out from his mouth. And the best part of it was that the lyrics were meaningful, he wasn't just singing out anything that comes to mind, that is what is called good inspiration, so much talent. The girls kept their eyes glued to him throughout the recording, like he was damn cool, they couldn't get enough of his nice vocals and singing style, even though it was just a freestyle recording, it sounded like an already planned song.

After Mark was done with the freestyle recording, they bestowed him a resounding round of applause to indicate that they really enjoyed the recording.

"So how many percentage scores would you girls give to it?" Mark inquired of them taking off the headphone from his head.

"A full hundred percent". They replied to him audibly.

"Wow! Thanks girls, I really appreciate it, I am gonna commence with the second freestyle recording with the other bumpy beat, listen carefully".

He played the second beat setting its volume to the right pitch, wore the headset, and began the recording once again. Though the beat was rapid and bumpy, Mark still found a way of matching his singing pace with the ragged beat. He accomplished that just by inspiration also, raw talent. The girls were so fascinated by how Mark was able to flow along with such a rough beat with just a freestyle recording, like he was damn awesome. Climaxing with the recording, he said to them,

"Your scores please".

Each of them scored it a hundred percent 'cause of how well he was able to flow with such a rough beat except for Hannah who bestowed it a ninety-five percent saying that she didn't like it as much as the first one. Wasn't that bad, at least he received a hundred percent from eight people before receiving ninety-five percent from one person, wasn't that bad at all.

Everyone was a bit surprised when Hannah suddenly said she wanted to record a song,

"Like seriously?" Mark asked her with a surprised look on his face.

"Yeah, am serious". Hannah responded, why was everyone so startled.

"Can you sing? 'cause I don't know you to be a singer". Ava sitting very close to Hannah said.

"Am not that bad at singing first of all, secondly, I wanna record the song just for fun and to test my ability".

"Ok then, come and select a beat you think would go along with the song you are about to record". Mark stated gesturing his hands for her to come over to the studio's computer.

Mark displayed different beats to her until she finally chose the one that was suitable for her. Without wasting time, she wore the studio's headphone and went over to the studio's microphone for the recording to start. Her vocals and singing style wasn't that bad and it wasn't that good either, it was at a medium rate. This sparked the interest of the other girls to attempt recording a song, they wanted to discern how good they were at singing. Each of them recorded an impromptu song, and Mark was the producer.

Amelia, Victoria, and Ella's singing weren't that bad and it wasn't that good either. Olivia and Chloe's singing was manageable, close to bad, while Ava, Nora, and Emma's singing were completely bad, it wasn't even manageable. But it was all fun, they playfully laughed at each others singing style and vocals, happiness filled the whole room. Darkness was taking over daylight gradually, everywhere was getting dim.

"It was nice meeting you girls". Mark stated.

"It was nice meeting you also, our wishes of meeting you and spending time with you finally came true". Olivia said speaking on behalf of the other girls.

"Keep on supporting me and my music".

"Surely, we would always support you, we love your songs so much". They declared.

Each of them started hugging him tightly and pecking him on the cheek once again like they couldn't get enough of him.

"We could meet with each other some other time and spend quality time somewhere else". Mark said to them.

"That would be so nice". They responded with smiles on their faces, "Bye". They said to Mark waving at him as they departed from the studio.

Mark was so delighted, they made his day, he was so pissed off and angry this afternoon 'cause of the conversation he had with Gary. But those girls had converted his angry mood to a happy one, the happy events that occurred between him and the girls filled his mind as he evacuated the studio.