
Let's resolve this.

No doubt, Dylan needed no direction from Mark to locate Ben's house anymore. He had fully known the way to Ben's house with just one direction from Mark, he had a retentive memory. The drive to Ben's house was so smooth and fabulous to Mark, he enjoyed every bit of it. The reason for this was because of the nice and pleasant fragrance that filled Dylan's car, not to talk of the AC in it.

The chillness the AC was generating in Dylan's car wasn't disturbing to Mark, the weather wasn't cold anymore. Arriving at the front gate of Ben's edifice, Dylan and Mark hopped out of the car. Both of them had different thoughts regarding Ben's presence in his house. Dylan had that feeling that Ben wasn't at home, but Mark knew that he was at home. This wasn't the first time he was coming to Ben's house, so he knew when someone was in or not.

"It doesn't seem like anyone is in this house". Dylan stated.

"Someone is inside, and I'm sure it's Ben, do you know how many times I've been to this house? so I can easily tell when someone is in or not". Mark asserted, he was definitely sure of what he was saying.

"Since you're so sure, what are we to do next? should we just barge into his compound or knock at the gate?". Dylan asked.

"Normally, I do enter his compound without knocking if his gate is open. But I suggest we knock since we aren't on good terms presently. He might get angry if we just barge into his compound like that". Mark expressed.

Hearing those last statements from Mark, Dylan didn't waste time knocking on the gate twice, but there wasn't response of any sort. He knocked on it twice again, no response either, then he turned to Mark and said,

"See, I told you, no one is in, he has probably gone out this morning to engage himself in one activity or the other".

Before Mark could say anything in reply to what Dylan just said, the gate opened, and behold.....Ben was standing, directly facing them with a numb expression on his face. His dressing indicates that he was prepared to go out, as a music producer, he would always have loads of activities to engage in. Apart from being Mark's main producer, he has other artistes he does produce songs for...the cash he would earn from it is also included.

Mark and Dylan stared directly at Ben as they wondered why his expression was so numb, what's with the emotionless face?. Then suddenly, his numb expression converted into a slightly serious expression as he threw an abrupt question at Mark,

"Who is this guy?".

Mark wasn't expecting that question, it came suddenly, so he stuttered a little while answering,

"Um, th...this is the guy I told you about yesterday, the guy that made me so curious that I didn't keep to the promise I made to you. His name is Dylan, we both came here so we could explain things to you, maybe seeing him would ease your rage towards me and you'll believe all that I told you yesterday. I don't want to have misunderstandings with you, not even the slightest one, it's not on my agenda at all. But it happened, we had a little misunderstanding, but I don't want it to last long between us, we are buddies....let's resolve this". Mark said expressing out his innermost thoughts, he truly meant all he just said now.

But oops! he had said a lot already, he didn't keep to the plan he and Dylan made. Dylan was supposed to do most of the talking, but Mark had already let out a lot from his mouth. It isn't his fault anyway, Ben asked him a question which he would have to answer to, he wouldn't keep mute to Ben's question 'cause Dylan was supposed to do most of the talking. But the question is, would Ben forgive Mark after hearing those words from him? After seeing Dylan with his own eyes and knowing that Mark wasn't lying after all?

All Ben said was, "You guys should come inside so we could discuss more".

Mark was a bit surprised by the words that just flowed out of Ben's mouth that he couldn't help wondering to himself, "Isn't he angry anymore? I hope he isn't, let's resolve things here so he could get to know more about Dylan...and Dylan could in turn release out his ideas on which I could use in attaining fame as an artiste".

"Is that car yours?". Ben inquired of Dylan the moment he noticed the 'Jeep Grand Cherokee' car behind them. He didn't bother to ask Mark 'cause he knew the car wasn't his.

"Yeah, that's my car". Dylan retorted.

"Why don't you park it in my compound? there could be secret hoodlums out here that are willing and ready to break into people's cars to steal things. Don't mind the equanimity of this place".

"Sure". Dylan uttered as he entered his car and drove it into Ben's compound, Mark took the work of opening the gate widely for Dylan to drive in freely.

Thereafter, the three of them strolled into the main room of Ben's edifice. Arriving at Ben's parlor, Mark and Dylan didn't seat immediately, they were waiting for Ben to permit them, and Ben was like,

"You guys should make yourself comfortable, Mark, why are you acting so weirdly? Normally, you don't usually wait for my permission before you make yourself comfortable on my couch, so why the act?".

"I don't know if you are still angry at me or not, so I can't do things freely in your house like I usually do". Mark let out, all he said now was just the simple truth.

Ben sighed, "You guys should sit so we could talk about that".

Mark and Dylan made themselves comfortable on one of the long couches in Ben's house. After sitting, they didn't utter a single word from their mouth, they were waiting for Ben to provoke a conversation, and he did...a surprising one at that.

"Mark, I am sorry for getting so angry at you".

Mark and Dylan didn't expect that, it was a surprise to them, they didn't expect an apology from him, they came here to do so. Since he didn't heed to Mark's plea and explanation, maybe seeing Dylan and hearing his own part of the explanation could ease his anger towards Mark...that's why the both of them were here. But it seems the reverse was the case.

"I shouldn't have gotten so angry at you", Ben continued with his statement, "You know Mark, I think there is something you don't know about me. I hate it when I brag about a person to someone else, and the person I was gloating about falls my hand in many ways, it does make me angry. But even with that, I shouldn't have gotten so furious at you, I should have listened to your explanation and let go of the issue. I am so sorry".

Wow! peace was gonna be made at this moment and Mark loved it, what would he gain from having a misunderstanding with Ben. He had some things to say also, Ben wouldn't be the only one to apologize, he had some apology to make also.

"And I'm so sorry for not keeping to my promise, a promise is very important but I didn't keep to it. Once again, so sorry for that, we cool now?".

"Yeah, we cool, buddies for life". Ben said as both of them came together and shook hands with smiles on their faces.

After the handshake, they went back to their various couches and balanced on them once again. Then Ben turns his attention to Dylan, it was about time for the main conversation to begin.

"Mark wanted to tell me a lot about you yesterday, but I was so pissed off to listen. But at least, he managed to tell me that you know a lot about him, you had been trailing him for a long time without his awareness. Can you clarify more on that, I want to have a clearer understanding of it. I'm sure you've explained all to Mark, but I need you to clarify this to me also".

"Sure, why not, I'm willing to do so. After Mark told me a lot about how you've been there for him throughout his sad and depressing times, I just wanted to meet with you instantly so we could talk about some crucial stuff. And I've finally met with you, so clarifying these isn't a problem to me, that's one of the main reasons why I wanted to meet with you". Dylan stated before proceeding with the explanation.

He explained all to Ben, how he discovered Mark's songs and came to love them all. How he had been trailing and following Mark for the past two years 'cause of how talented he was. How he had been craving to reveal himself to Mark but couldn't do so 'cause he didn't know the right time to do so. Then he told Ben the last and final,

"I want to help Mark attain fame, he deserves it as an artiste. He is just too talented to be an upcoming artiste for four good years. I've got some ideas that might work out if applied well".

Ben placed his fingers on his jaw caressing it a little before saying, "Voice out your ideas then".