
The rap contest (part 2)

The first question that struck Mark's mind the moment he set eyes on Ben and Dylan was,

"How did they know about the rap contest?".

Then the next question was, "Why are they here together?".

Meanwhile, Ben and Dylan were still discussing with each other, they hadn't noticed Mark's presence in the hall 'cause of the people in it. They were still blind to his presence until he sauntered to where the both of them were standing and interrupted their conversation saying,

"Is the discussion so engrossing? please, I'd love to be a part of it".

"Wow! Mark, you're here already, we don't have to phone call you anymore". Ben stated with a delighted expression.

Mark's facial expression indicated that he was a bit confused by Ben's words, Dylan noticed it immediately and added more clarification,

"Yeah, we had plans of calling you so you'd be aware of this rap contest, then it would be your decision whether to come or not. But you are here already, so we don't have to call you anymore...but how did you find out about this contest?".

"I came here mainly for one reason, a new female artiste has been signed to the same label as me. She is a rapper and she is gonna be participating in this rap contest. I came here to see how good of a rapper she is.....she was the one that invited me to this contest". Mark elucidated.

"A new artiste has been signed to the 'Cool Boiz' record label? A rapper at that. Tell me, what is her character like?". Ben asked inquisitively.

"Her character is so negative that I don't want to talk about it right now, I'll tell you guys what transpired between me and her yesterday at the 'Cool Boiz' headquarter later".

"Hmmm, she must really got some bad attitude". Ben uttered.

"Yeah, an awful attitude that I didn't expect from her, let's not dig deep into it as for now, I'll tell you guys about it later. But come to think of it, you guys didn't tell me how you learned about this rap contest".

As Dylan was about to reply to Mark's statement, a masculine voice was heard across the room, looks like the main event was about to begin. The man's voice brought everyone's attention to himself. He was standing on stage with a microphone in his hand, seemed like he was the host of the rap contest. He was average in height, not too tall, and not too short. He wore a black suit that fits with its black trousers, a white shirt inside, a bow tie, and a black casual shoe to match it all.

Positioning the microphone to the front of his mouth, the man said once again,

"It's a pleasure to welcome you all to this event this evening.....or to be more precise, the rap contest that's about to take place this evening. There are up to ten contestants that are gonna be partaking in this contest, both male and female. This contest is gonna be like a rap battle, yeah, two rappers are gonna be competing with each other to see how good their rapping is, and that's how it would keep going until a winner emerges,

You guys are gonna be the ones to vote out the winner of this competition. There is a prize for each of the participants in this contest, but the winner is gonna receive more than the other participants. To note, the prize is in form of money, the other partakers are gonna receive a certain amount of money, but the winner is gonna receive a medal and an amount of 5 thousand dollars. This is just a rap battle, it is just for fun and entertainment, there is no need to hate or despise any of the contestants for one reason or the other,

All you have to do is vote for the person that his or her rapping sounded better to your ears. You guys are gonna vote with your cell phones, each contestant would have a 7 digit number placed on the front of their clothing. So if you wanna vote for your best rapper among the ten of them, you just have to use your cell phones to dial 355 to the 7 digit number on their clothes to vote. Please, let's cooperate to make this event a happy and peaceful one,

Two contestants are gonna be launching the show with their rapping skills to become the winner of this contest, a male and a female. Enjoy the show".

The man concluded with his speech and walked into a broad door leading to the backstage of the event. Not too long after the man entered there, two contestants came out of that same place, a male and a female as the man said, they had 7 digits numbers written on a paper and plastered to the front of their clothes. They were pretty young from the look of things, the battle to become the best rapper of this competition was about to begin.....the main event was about to begin.

Ben was curious to know if the female contestant that just came out of the broad door was the rapper that recently got signed to the 'Cool Boiz' record label, so he whispered to Mark's ear.

"Is this the female rapper that just got signed to the same label as you?".

"Who?". Mark asked as he was a bit confused as to who Ben was referring to.

"The girl on stage".

"Oh! she isn't the one, but I'm sure she is among the contestants".

With that, they kept silent as they focused more on enjoying the rap contest. There was a DJ at the side of the stage that was gonna play the part of displaying the beats the contestants were to use in displaying their rapping skills. The female contestant signaled the DJ to play a nice beat that would fit with the all-out rapping she was about to execute, and he did just that.

Have you heard of a swift rapping before? Yeah, you must have come across that word in one place or the other. Maybe, you've come across it in this book. Well, that's exactly how the girl's rapping was like, it was so swift....but still cool. She rapped so rapidly, but it was very pleasant to the ears that some of the audience were already nodding their heads to it. The girl was sure to get a high amount of votes from the audience, but as for becoming the winner of the contest...it was still based on a probability.

The male contestant standing in front of her didn't seem like he was amazed by her rapping skills, he kept a straight face throughout the beginning and climax of her rapping. She climaxed with her rapping, and surprisingly, she received a round of applause from the audience, they really enjoyed the energy she used in rapping. It was time for the male contestant to prove that his rapping skills were much better than hers.

The DJ didn't waste time to display a cool beat the moment the male contestant gestured him to do so....and he began rapping immediately. His rapping was dope, but it wasn't as good as the girl's own. The girl rapped swiftly, but his rapping wasn't that swift, and it wasn't that slow either.....it was on a moderate pace. He concluded with his rapping, and he received applause from the crowds, but not as heavy as the girls own.

The man in suit came out from the large door after the guy was done with his rapping. He placed his hands on the shoulders of the two contestants and said to the crowds,

"They are done displaying their rapping skills, and from the look on you guy's faces, I can tell you enjoyed every single bit of their rapping. Now, it is up to you guys to vote for whose rapping you enjoyed the most. Remember what I said, you'll all use your cell phones to vote dialing 355 to the 7 digit numbers on their clothes, then you leave the rest to us,

Now, we'll leave stage for the next two contestants, they are both males".

The moment he made that statement, two guys came out from the broad door as they sauntered elegantly to the stage. The man in suit and the two other contestants walked into the broad door leaving stage for the two male contestants to display their rapping skills, or in other words....rap battle.