"We are visiting a jewelry store tomorrow? why?". Mark inquired of Dylan, he was a bit confused.
"For the video shoot, I want to purchase some expensive chains for you". Dylan retorted.
"Why do I have to put on expensive chains for the video shoot? I've participated in numerous video shoots without wearing expensive chains. At least, if I wanna put on necklaces for a shoot, I do wear chains that aren't that expensive and aren't that cheap either".
"This is a kind of different stuff, remember Mark, you rapped in the song. Now, do you know how cool it would be for expensive chains to be on your neck when it gets to the rapping verse? the music video would be so dope. As you said, you've worn chains that aren't that expensive for some video shoots, now wearing expensive chains would be like total different stuff from you.....it could add some impact to your music career, it could make you a mainstream artiste,
First of all, the song is so unique 'cause you rapped and sang at the same time, your fans don't know you as a rapper, it's different stuff from you and it could make you popular. Secondly, you wore expensive chains in the video to fit into the style of a rapper. It's very hard to see a male rapper that doesn't put on chains in his music video, and you're trying to fit into that style 'cause you rapped in the song. Think of it Mark, that's dope and cool". Dylan elucidated.
"Hmm, that's dope, it's such a nice idea, you are good at producing dope stuff from your head. But come to think of it Dylan, after purchasing those expensive chains for me, and I wore them in the music video. Then the song and video drop, but it doesn't make it big as we expect. As we all know, everything is based on a probability, though the song is unique and the music video is surely gonna be dope, there is a very high possibility that it wouldn't blow up and raise me to stardom, that's a complete fact,
You've spent a lot of money on me, the fashionable and expensive clothes you bought for me are number one evidence, then the money you spent on the photoshoot. Now you wanna buy some expensive chains for me. All these would just be wasted efforts, just as the fashionable outfits and photoshoot didn't add any impact to my music career, the expensive chains might just go to waste as well". Mark expressed his innermost thoughts, he was really concerned about the money Dylan was spending on him.
Dylan sighed a little before saying, "Mark, you always seem to forget what I'm always telling you.....I'm gonna assist you to the very end to attain the fame you deserve as an artiste. About the money I'm spending on you, those are little stuff to me, it's nothing, so don't worry about that".
Mark sighed also before stating, "Okay, I've heard you, I really do appreciate the assistance you've been rendering me since we met. If I can just achieve my topmost heart desire, I would forever remember you bro, I would never forget the help you rendered me...this I promise".
Dylan laughed a little before saying, "Make sure you keep to your promise".
"Surely, trust me on this". Mark uttered, his tone of voice made it clear that he meant what he was saying, he was surely gonna keep to his words, "So where are we gonna meet for the purchase of the expensive chains?".
"Hmm, tell me where your apartment is located, I'll find my way there. This is a chance for me to visit your dwelling, to see how it looks like. You've been to my dwelling but I have never been to yours, this is an opportunity. Just tell me the name of your boulevard, I'll locate it".
"The savage estate, very close to the 'Huron' street. Are you sure you can locate it?". Mark inquired.
"I will, trust me, when I get there, I'll call you so you can direct me to your apartment". Dylan stated.
"I'll be expecting you then, bye".
And with that, the phone conversation ended between the both of them. Mark did some more little workouts in the gym before departing from it. He headed straight to his apartment 'cause he was a bit tired from the workout. Entering his apartment, he landed on his couch tiredly. He kept on thinking about the fact that Darcy was already rising to stardom in the music industry, a new rapper that just got signed to the 'COOL BOIZ' label was already making waves in the music industry...this life is just too unfair.
A smile appeared on his face the moment he thought about the assistance Dylan was rendering him, he was happy about it and he appreciated it a lot. He was glad about it, but he was bothered also, it was a mixed feeling. He was bothered 'cause Dylan's efforts would mostly be to waste, the money he'd spent on him and the ones he was gonna spend in the future...all might be to no avail. No matter what, the fact remains that he collaborated with Arnold but couldn't still blow up, if that couldn't work out easily, then what else will?
He had nowhere to go after coming back from the gym, he was gonna be staying at home for the rest of the day. So he rushed into his kitchen to prepare what he would eat for lunch and dinner, and guess what, it was his favorite meal, rice balls, and gumbo stew, the ingredients were available. He finished preparing the meal, eat lunch though it was Mid-afternoon already, and engaged himself in other activities. He watched television, it's been a while since he last sat down to watch TV, he would rather be operating his phone.
The rest of the day passed by quickly, he ate dinner, drank some juice he had in his fridge, watched some more TV shows before going to bed. Waking up the next day, he did the normal morning stuff like brushing his teeth, bathing, and the rest. He dressed up and sat on the couch waiting for Dylan's phone call. Minutes passed, but Dylan hadn't called yet, maybe he lost his way trying to find the location of Mark's apartment, who knows?
But patience is a very good virtue, Mark waited, he was patient and Dylan's call eventually came in. He picked up the phone call with immediate effect,
"Hello Dylan, have you located my boulevard already?".
"Yeah, I am in the street of the savage estate already, but there are many buildings here, so I don't know which particular building where your apartment is located. Can you give me a description of how the building looks like?".
"Let me direct you instead". Mark asserted.
"No need for direction, just describe it for me and I'll find it just like I located your boulevard".
"Ok, it's a three storey building, my apartment is on the first floor of the edifice. It's painted in light blue color, just to note, the painting is really beautiful and the structure is really cool. The next building you'll see after it is painted in red, it's a three storey building also. Are these descriptions enough for you to locate the edifice where my apartment is located?".
"Yeah, it's enough, the next thing you should be expecting is a knock on your door". Dylan uttered.
"Don't get lost, I'm expecting you". Mark said lastly ending the phone conversation.
It wasn't too long before Mark heard a knock on his door, he sauntered over to his door and opened it, and Dylan was standing directly facing him.
"Wow! you've located it already so quickly". Mark uttered with a delighted facial expression.
"Yeah, I followed your description exactly". Dylan stated, "You're dressed up already".
"Yeah, what am I waiting for? please come in".
Dylan stepped feet into Mark's apartment and was like,
"Damn! your apartment is lovely".
"Thanks, I appreciate that, should we drink a cup of juice before going?". Mark asked.
"There would be no need for that. Let's get going immediately, at least, I've been able to see your lovely abode". Dylan responded, seems like he was in a bit of a rush.
"Before we get going, I have a question to ask of you".
"What is it?".
"Is Ben aware that you wanna purchase some expensive chains for me for the video shoot?". Mark inquired.
"No, he isn't yet, he is gonna find out about it later". Replied Dylan.
"Did you bring any of your cars?".
"Yes I did, I parked it downstairs of this edifice, let's get going, Mark".
With that, both of them departed from Mark's apartment.