
Important discussion.

"Damn! Mark, why were you so rude to them? why did you speak to them that way?". Ben questioned Mark the moment those girls left.

"Am in no mood for girls now, in fact, I don't need disturbance right now. And I made it clear to them, and one of them was like, 'Pretty girls like us?', like, what the fuck! that statement pissed me off". Mark expressed.

"But still yet, you shouldn't have spoken to them in that manner". Ben asserted.

"Are you acting like this 'cause of the low performance of your recent song?". Dylan asked Mark, he seemed to have noticed what the problem was.

"Yeah, that's the main reason why I'm acting like this, I'm not happy at all. Do you guys remember the efforts we put into recording that song? I did something I've never done before....rapping. Dylan brought in another suggestion of putting on chains for the music video, and we put that into action, Dylan purchased the jewelry for me and I wore them in the music video, but to no avail, the music video views is moving as slow as ever on my YouTube channel. I executed all of Dylan's ideas from the very onset, none of them worked out. I doubt I'll ever be able to become famous as an artiste, I've always doubted it for a long time, it's just too hard". Mark expressed out his innermost feeling, he made use of his palms to cover his face, he wasn't happy at all.

Ben and Dylan kept silent, all Mark said now was the truth, at that moment, their mood dropped also, they weren't feeling too happy, Mark's sorrow was also theirs. Mark uncovered his face taking off his palms from it, took a large gulp of his beer, and said,

"I think it's time we leave this place, I don't feel relaxed at all, I'm getting very uncomfortable. The stuff they are smoking here is really disturbing my brain, the smell of cigarette and all that".

"Okay, we will do that now since you don't feel relaxed, but before we leave, let's empty our last bottle of beer". Dylan declared.

With that, they began gulping their beer until they emptied it, they didn't even bother to make use of their glass cups.....that would be a waste of time. After that, the three of them stood up to leave, then the young lady approached them once again throwing a question at Dylan,

"Boss, you're leaving already?".

"Yeah, we are". Dylan retorted.


"You know the normal stuff to do always, keeping this club in order. Everyone can dance, drink, smoke, but when you notice some unusual stuff like fighting and so on, make sure to alert the security guards about it immediately if they aren't aware of it. This is not a job for you only, but the other workers also. I won't be coming here for a long time, so you and the others should stay safe".

"Sure, we'll make sure to continue doing as you've said, bye". She said waving at Dylan slightly.

Dylan didn't wave back at her before walking out of the club party, Mark and Ben followed suit. They got outside of the club party and rested their backs on Dylan's car, they had a few things to talk about, Mark was the first person to speak,

"You know, it's just so tiring, after all the efforts we put into recording that song, it wouldn't still blow up and raise me to stardom".

"Yeah, we keep on going round and round, at the end, all of Dylan's ideas aren't working out". Ben uttered, he didn't say that to tease Dylan or make him feel bad, not at all.

Dylan cleared his throat and said, "I'll like the three of us to discuss at Mark's house tomorrow. I would have preferred we discuss it at my studio, but it's a bit far, and Ben doesn't know the place. So putting all that into consideration, let's discuss at Mark's house tomorrow".

"My house? what do we want to talk about?". Mark inquired of Dylan.

"Don't worry, you'll find out tomorrow, just to know, it's very important stuff we want to talk about". Dylan said staring directly into Mark's eyes, that's an indication that the stuff they want to discuss is very important.

"Hmm, at what time are we gonna be meeting at Mark's house? I'm asking this 'cause I have some music production to engage in tomorrow, I'm gonna be producing songs for two upcoming artistes". Ben stated.

Dylan turned his attention to Ben and asked, "What time would be suitable for you? 'cause I don't have much to engage in tomorrow".

"Hmm, let's say 3 pm, that would be okay for me".

"Okay then, we'll meet by 3 pm at Mark's apartment, Mark, you'll be available by that time right?". Dylan inquired of Mark.

"Yes, I'll be free". Mark responded.

"Okay, let's all keep to time, the stuff I wanna discuss with you guys is really important. Mark, I'll drive you home".

With that, Mark hopped into Dylan's car as Dylan sped off, Ben entered his car and drove off also. Dylan drove Mark to his apartment safely before driving to his abode, yeah, he loved making those types of sacrifices for Mark. Ben also drove safely to his house that night, his wife was back home after a long time of travel, and Ben was really happy to see her.

Things went on for that night, Mark ate dinner before going straight to bed, his mood was down, he wasn't happy due to the repeated occurrence that keeps befalling him.


Mark's favorite restaurant was really booming that afternoon, it was filled up with an unusual number of people that afternoon. Normally, the restaurant was always filled up with people due to the different types of delicacies the chefs do prepare, but today's own was different. The number of people present at the restaurant that afternoon was tremendous and extraordinary, the waiters would have a lot of work to do.

There was also one person that added to the number of people present at the restaurant that afternoon....it was Mark. He was surprised by the number of people he saw in the restaurant when he entered it. He had been visiting this restaurant for a long time, so he knew the number of people he does see anytime he visited...but today's own was unprecedented.

Mark had already eaten his favorite food, rice balls, and gumbo stew, and he enjoyed it to the fullest. He was drinking his cup of juice at that moment, and as he drank, he thought about the important stuff Dylan wanted to discuss with him and Ben. Was it another of his ideas? ideas that could make him famous? Well, Mark wasn't even a bit elated about it, what haven't they done? All of his ideas they had been executing, but none was working out.

Mark's mind was still roving about in thought when a certain announcement came up on TV, and instantly, it caught his attention, he focused his gaze on the TV. The announcement was about a big event that was gonna take place in the USA in the city of San Francisco. Lots of dancers, artistes, comedians and other loads of entertainers were gonna be performing there. The event was gonna start at the time of 3:30 pm and end at the time of 11 pm. A 7 hours 30 minutes show, that's to indicate how lengthy and interesting the show was gonna be.

They mentioned the names of the artistes that were gonna grace the event with their performances, so also as the comedians, dancers, and the rest of the other entertainers. And guess what, Darcy was among the artistes that were gonna be performing at the event, they mentioned her name. Darcy can't be compared to an upcoming rapper, it was evident that she had blown up in the music industry. Her recent single 'Dawn' was receiving massive love across USA and other countries. She was already getting bookings for performances at big events...she had attained fame already.

Mark couldn't help but reminisce back to the statement Darcy uttered to him at the rap contest, 'I am gonna blow up in the music industry as fast as possible as a rapper', she was living up to that statement, Gary must be very proud of her. He checked the watch on his wrist, the time was 2:36 pm, he then remembered that Ben and Dylan were gonna come to his apartment at the time of 3 pm for the discussion. He doesn't want them to be present there before him, that would be really bad. So he stood up from the chair he was sitting on, footed his bill, and departed from the restaurant.