"What! South Africa? that hot country? don't you know that most African countries experience lots of hot temperatures?". Mark questioned Dylan with a bewildered expression on his face.
"That's true, Africa is hot, they experience lots of global warming". Ben added with his statement in support of what Mark said.
"No denying it, Africans experience lots of hot temperatures, and South Africa isn't excluded, but we would have to get used to it. I know you guys might be wondering why I didn't choose a country in the continent of South America, Europe, and others, why did I select a country in Africa? Well, I selected it for a reason". Dylan stated.
"May I ask the reason why?". Ben implored.
"Well, I want something different, I want Mark to tour a totally different country. You guys are complaining of the hot weather there, that's what I want, I want us to experience something different, I want us to make sacrifices for this. I did a lot of research yesterday, and I think South Africa is one of the best countries to tour in the continent of Africa. Though they have their native language, most of them speak English, so we won't have much problem with communication there". Dylan explained.
Mark scratched his head a little before asking, "I know that they listen to music and they have good artistes there. But how nice is their music? How popular and versatile are their artistes?".
"You know, when it comes to the country with the most popular artistes and best music, it's our country USA. Our big artistes are famous here in USA and so many other countries, even in South Africa and other African countries. There are talented and good artistes in South Africa, but their fame revolves around their country and other African countries. Only a few that struggles hard manage to attain fame in our country as an artiste". Dylan explained.
"Which takes the higher counts in South Africa, is it the urban areas or rural areas? I don't really know, that's why I'm asking, you've done a lot of research regarding the country, so you should be able to answer this". Ben asked Dylan staring directly at him.
"It's the urban areas, rural areas are there also, but the urban areas take the higher count. There are many cities in South Africa, but there are three largest cities with good economies there. Their names are, Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban. But for the tour, we should reside in Cape Town according to my research". Dylan retorted, he was willing and ready to answer all their questions.
"According to all I've heard from Dylan, I think I am willing and ready to tour South Africa. But are you guys gonna come with me? Are you guys gonna support me". Mark inquired of them, he just wanted to be sure.
Dylan was the first to reply to Mark's question, "I wasn't joking at all when I said I wanted to help you attain the fame you deserve, and at least, you can testify that I have been rendering you with the best help possible. For me to voice out the idea of you touring another country shows that I am willing to travel with you. I am willing to support with the funds, I'm willing to make sacrifices for it, I'm willing to hand over my nightclub to someone trusted so I could travel with you and support you. I am willing to travel with you to South Africa, I don't know if Ben is".
At that moment, Ben was thinking deeply, it was evident in his facial expression. He was contemplating if he should travel with Mark to South Africa. Lots of sacrifices would be made for him to do so. Firstly, his wife had just gotten back after a long time of travel, and she was gonna be staying for a long time, he wanted to spend a lot of time with her, but that wouldn't be possible if he travels with Mark to South Africa.
Secondly, he had lots of artistes he does produce songs for which generates lots of money for him, he was gonna leave that for the meantime. Thirdly, he was gonna leave his car and house behind if he travels with Mark to South Africa. But with all of these, the spirit to render Mark with support was greater. He had been with Mark all these years throughout his depressing and sad times, and all he ever wanted was for Mark to attain the fame he deserves as an artiste. If it was to make those sacrifices to travel with Mark to South Africa, he was willing to do so, as far as it concerns Mark's success....he had made up his mind.
Mark and Dylan noticed that Ben was deep in thoughts, and they knew the reason why, so Dylan asked him,
"Are you pondering if to travel with Mark to South Africa? I kept on using the word 'We' and 'Us' when I was explaining some stuff about South Africa to you guys, that means I was expecting all three of us to travel to South Africa together. Ben, please don't say no, it's still your choice though".
A smile plastered unto Ben's face immediately, "Am ain't gonna say no, I am willing to make the sacrifices to travel with you guys to South Africa. I wish for Mark to rise to stardom as an artiste, I've been wishing for that for a long time. Though we've been implementing different stuff and they aren't working out, I'm still willing and ready to do more. I'll just have to explain to my wife that I'm gonna be traveling to an African country in the meantime. That's one of the sacrifices I'll have to make, leaving her behind".
"Yeah, we all have to make sacrifices for this. As I said earlier, I am gonna hand over my nightclub to someone I trust so much to handle for the meantime, most of the money made from the nightclub is still gonna come to me even when I am in South Africa. I and Ben are both music producers, and we have lots of artistes we do produce songs for, and you know, we focus when producing songs for them and we earn a lot of cash from it, we would have to leave all that behind....that's some huge sacrifice men,
Three of us would have to get used to the hot temperature in South Africa, that's another sacrifice. But we have to do this, anytime I remember what John and Henry did to Mark, I just wish I had superpowers so I could grant Mark with his greatest heart desire. Both of them abandoned him when he needed their help the most, and they still dared to mock him 'cause he was still an upcoming artiste, that's so bad. Thinking about it propels me to render Mark with more assistance so he could become famous as an artiste, he needs to prove them wrong". Dylan expressed.
"Yeah, that's the truth, both of them are enjoying fame as an artiste forgetting that they abandoned their friend, that's so bad of them. Mark must prove them wrong no matter the continuous disappointments". Ben uttered with confidence in his tone of voice.
Mark didn't make any comments regarding John and Henry, he didn't want to talk about them right now, all he said was,
"Before we start making any preparations for the trip, I'll have to talk to my label boss and music manager about it, my label boss would have to grant full permission before we go on the tour, you know, I'm signed to a record label. Also, I'll love to talk to my family about it".
"Sure, you'll do all that, I also have things to put in place before our travel. I am 99.9 percent sure that your label boss would consent to the tour, he has nothing to lose. As I said earlier, he has a new rapper signed to his label that is making lots of money for him already. So why wouldn't he consent to the tour? According to what I understand, your label boss seems to be the type of man that is more concerned about artistes that make more money for him in his record label....his main concern is money. I'm saying this based on what I have seen and heard". Dylan stated.
"Well, you've seen and heard correctly, that's the absolute truth". Ben added with his statement, he knew Gary too well.
Dylan smiled a little 'cause of what Ben said, he was glad that he didn't hear and see the wrong thing, someone else had confirmed it. He made his final statement,
"Our discussion was a successful one, the three of us agree with one thing, the tour is gonna take place. We all are gonna travel to South Africa for one purpose, for Mark to attain fame as an artiste. He is gonna perform in their shows and concerts, advertise himself as an artiste, record and drop songs there, mix with their artistes, and we hope it yields good results. Mark, discuss with your label boss about it, Ben, fix whatever stuff you wanna fix, I'm gonna fix mine also. As you guys know, South Africa experiences lots of hot temperatures, so you guys are gonna carry along more light clothes than heavy ones. South Africa isn't USA".