
Informing Kendrick.

Both of them arrived at the chill-out parlor occupying two sofas in it. This wasn't the first time Kendrick was entering the chill-out parlor. Dylan had produced lots of songs for him in this studio, so visiting the parlor had become a norm for him.

"Surely, you'll love to have a taste of one of those wines in the fridge, or am I wrong?". Dylan inquired of Kendrick.

"You know me too well, I always love to taste one of those wines anytime I visit this parlor, so you ain't wrong big bro". Kendrick retorted with a bit of a smile on his face.

With that, Dylan stood up from the sofa he was sitting on and sauntered to the fridge taking out one of the expensive wines in it, he took out two glass cups also. Holding the wine in his left hand, and the glass cups in his right hand, he brought them to the glass table in the middle of the parlor and placed them on it. He opened the bottle of wine, filled his cup, then said to Kendrick,

"Fill your cup and drink to your satisfaction".

After making that statement, he went back to the sofa and sat on it once again. Kendrick stood up from the sofa and sauntered to the glass table, filled the remaining glass cup with wine, and strolled back to his seat. Both of them began sipping, and after a minute of sipping, Kendrick asked Dylan,

"So what is it that you want to tell me?".

"I am gonna be traveling soon". Dylan responded, he was telling Kendrick this 'cause he and Kendrick were close, he was informing all the people that were close to him.

"To where?". Kendrick asked with curiosity written all over his face.

"To South Africa".

"South Africa? An African country? if I may ask, why?".

"I am gonna be escorting an artiste over there for a tour. Now, this artiste is really talented, but he hasn't attained the fame he supposed to have attained for the past four years he got signed to a big record label. Kendrick, you are a talented artiste, many people know that, your fans know that, I know that. And your talent isn't a waste 'cause you're a famous artiste, you're a blown artiste, the world has gotten to know how talented you're through your songs,

But this artiste I am telling you about is f**king talented, I might even say he is more talented than you. If you listen to his songs, you would understand what I'm talking about. But this guy has been an upcoming artiste for years now even with how talented he is, and it's getting to him badly. I disclosed some ideas which could rise him to stardom, and we've implemented them all, but none of them worked out. Now, I am gonna be escorting him to South Africa for a tour to see if it would yield great results, traveling to South Africa was my idea also,

He is gonna promote himself as an artiste over there, show them how talented he is, perform in their shows and concerts, and if possible, collaborate with their artistes. And the sole purpose of the tour is for him to rise to stardom as an artiste. So that's the main reason why I'm gonna be traveling to South Africa soon". Dylan explained.

"Why didn't you select a country in the continent of South America, North America, or even Europe? Why did you choose a country in Africa for him to tour? You do know that Africans experience lots of hot temperatures right?". Asked Kendrick.

"Yeah, I know that, but I want us to experience something different, I want us to meet with different kinds of artistes. I even wanna hear a bit of their native language".

"You guys are gonna make sacrifices for this".

"Yeah, that's for sure".

They stopped conversing for some seconds as they sipped more of their wines, then Kendrick triggered the conversation once again saying,

"Then, you're gonna be leaving music production for the meantime".

"Yeah, but who knows, I might need to commence music production again when I get to South Africa. There is a very high possibility that I'll commence it when I get to South Africa. That artiste I spoke of is surely gonna record and drop songs there, and I might need to assist with its production. Though, another music producer is gonna be joining us for the trip also".

"Another music producer?". Kendrick asked inquisitively.

"Yeah, another music producer, he is friends with the artiste I spoke of and he has been his favorite music producer for a long time. He is gonna be traveling with us to South Africa also to assist the artiste". Dylan clarified taking a sip of his wine.

"This upcoming artiste you're speaking of, what is his name? I might know him".

"His name is Mark, that's his name and stage name".

Kendrick rubbed his jaw with his fingers like he was in thoughts before saying, "That name isn't that familiar to me".

"That's because he isn't popular as an artiste, he is still an upcoming artiste. He's got his fans, but they are just too small for how talented the guy is".

Kendrick had finished his cup of wine already, so he went back to the table and filled his cup with wine once again, then he strolled back to the sofa and balanced on it. Then he said,

"Since you say the guy is very talented, do you have any of his songs so I can listen to it and confirm how talented he is?".

"Yeah, I have some of his songs on my phone, let me play one of them".

With that, Dylan played one of Mark's songs that got released some two years ago. Kendrick nodded his head as he listened to the song, he was feeling it already.

"Wow! he is really talented, his vocals are one of a kind, not to talk of the cool beat and immense vibe. No doubt about it, he is more gifted than me".

"Yeah, you've confirmed it, and this is a song of two years ago. His vocals and style of singing have gotten better. Listen to this other song of his I am about to play, it is titled 'That feeling". Dylan uttered playing the song.

Kendrick listened to the song letting it sink in, and before the song climaxed, Kendrick made his comment about it,

"This one is even much better, like, this guy is too talented to be an upcoming artiste, the world needs to listen to him".

"Exactly, that's the fact, he is too talented to be an upcoming artiste. I produced the beat he used in recording this song. I created the beat and sent it to him through an Instagram account I opened for the purpose of sending the beat to him. I wanted to see how well he would make use of the beat. And as you can see, he made use of the beat well. He and his favorite music producer worked together to create such a jam with the beat, the producer I spoke of that's gonna be traveling to South Africa with us. So you can see that the guy is really talented as an artiste".

"Really talented, can I listen to any of his songs again?". Kendrick inquired of Dylan, he seems to be enjoying Mark's songs already.

Dylan smiled a little, he was glad that Kendrick was enjoying Mark's songs, "Sure, this one I am about to play for you is very unique. It's one of the ideas I suggested to him that could rise him to stardom, but it didn't work out. He rapped and sang in this song".

"He rapped?". Kendrick asked inquisitively.

"Yes, he did".

"Play it already, I can't wait to listen".

Dylan played the song, and after listening to the song from its beginning to its climax, Kendrick said,

"This song is one of the best out there, the same artiste rapped and sang in the same song. He rapped like rapping was his main style of music...raw talent".

"That shows how talented he is, he can quickly learn and adapt to any style of music as fast as possible". Dylan uttered.

Kendrick emptied his cup of wine once again, but this time, he didn't refill it with wine, he just held it in his hand. He said to Dylan,

"You know what, this guy needs more and more recognition as an artiste, he deserves to be super famous. Travel with him to South Africa as soon as possible. Render him with assistance as he tries to attain fame over there. I don't think you guys should leave South Africa until he attains fame, even if a little".

"Taken, I understand, rendering him with assistance isn't a problem, I'm completely willing and ready to do so. I am ready to make sacrifices for this". Dylan expressed.

"So when are you guys gonna be traveling?". Kendrick inquired.

"I don't know the exact date, but as soon as possible", Dylan retorted, "Let's empty this bottle of wine and evacuate this place".

With that, they began filling their cups with wine and drinking until they emptied the bottle of wine. After that, they departed from the chill-out parlor to talk more about when the song they recorded together was gonna drop.