Episode four

*The next day*

Damon: Hey

Bonnie: hey

Damon: I know we're in the middle of a big mess but in case everything goes wrong today I wanted you to know that I'm grateful for that crappy idea of yours and this mess because it allowed me to see Stefan again

Bonnie: ooh look who came to thank me alert the media

Damon: low blow for you to use my jokes again me! It's not fair!

Bonnie: how are you holding up?

Damon: what do you mean, my brother is alive again and my girlfriend or not so girlfriend is a awake I guess it's the best thing that happened to o me in the past five years!

Bonnie: I mean that you can't hold your girlfriend, tell her how much you miss her or even upset that she doesn't love you anymore

Damon: Oh I'm upset, that you're not wrong about, but I prefer them alive and awake than dead and sleeping! So I'm just more grateful than upset that's all

Bonnie: if that's the case then why didn't you tell Stefan about his whole death situation thing or about Enzo, the Sheriff, or Caroline's dad

Damon: you didn't tell Enzo either, Caroline didn't tell her parents! You know that's there's no easy way to tell them that they all died right?!

*Stefan enters the room*

Stefan: tell who they are dead? Are we dealing with ghosts who don't know they're dead yet?

*Damon feels uneasy*

Damon: it's nothing for you to worry about, go start packing we're leaving in two hours

*Stefan feels confused*

Stefan: wait! you didn't tell me or showed me why you were too happy to see me, what happened to me to get you to travel in time to see me?

*Damon avoids looking into Stefan eyes*

Stefan: look at me, tell me what was the awful thing that happened to me to make you go through all of this trouble to see me?

*Bonnie sees how intense the situation was and how uncomfortable Damon is so she answers*

Bonnie: you got stuck in a prison world!

*Damon looks surprised but nods to her gratefully*

Stefan: and how on earth did that happen?

Damon: Kai! It was Kai who did the spell on you

Stefan: but you showed me that Bonnie imprisoned Kai again

Bonnie: he got out again and imprisoned you to get back at me, then he disappeared so we can't get you out

Stefan: I thought he needed a Bennett blood to preform the spell

Damon: does that really matter! We have bigger problems to deal with at the time! The quicker we get to Klaus the quicker we either fix this mess or get ourselves killed so you need to get your hero hair ready for this mission

*Stefan looks at Damon with confusion then goes to pack his stuff for the journey*

*Damon whispers to Bonnie*

Damon: nice save thank you

*In front of the Salvator house*

Damon: woah woah woah are all of you coming with us?!

Sheriff Forbz: I'm not letting my girl go again

Damon: look Liz we're friends but you're human! You'll get yourself killed, you too gay husband, you can wait for us here looking after the kids while we try not to get killed and try to convince Mr bye bye humanity to help us and lend us his older sister

Alaric: I'm not letting Jo get away from me and neither are the kids

Damon: this is a disaster! so you all made up your minds?!

The whole group: yes!

Damon: then I'll go compel us a school bus so we can all fit in it, this is going to be a very long exhausting journey! you people are crazy

Caroline and Enzo: you know that we can hear you right?!

Damon: and you know I don't care right?

*Damon takes off to get the bus*

Caroline: so where are we headed to?

Bonnie: my location spell tells me that Klaus is New Orleans

Caroline: I should have known that already

Enzo: from what I learned you two weren't a thing so why exactly you should've known?

*Liz looks at Caroline with confusion*

Caroline: we may had a thing going on and he invited me to give me a tour

*Caroline gets her phone out and plays the voice message he sent her*

Bonnie: this is great!

Caroline: is it? What do you mean?

Elena: this is proof!

Stefan: this is how we're going to convince him!

Caroline: no no no no! Not again!

Stefan: Caroline you can convince him!

Caroline annoyed: just like old days! You throw me under the bus!

Stefan: you said he liked you!

Caroline: that was with his humanity on and he still got Tyler to bit me!! He bit me himself once!

Bonnie: and he cured you too, twice, for nothing in return I might add

Caroline: let's just hope he doesn't kill me on sight

Alaric: what about his child? Her name was Hope right?

Elena: he has a kid?

Bonnie: he does?!

Alaric: did I forgot to mention that? He asked me once to get him a bone about a month ago and I met her that day

Elena: I thought Vampires can't have kids did he took the cure you mentioned?

Alaric: no he didn't but as an original hybrid he had a kid with Hailey

Stefan: that traitor wolf girl who got him to kill his 12 hybrids?

Alaric: that one yeah who you fought beside against the Strix

Caroline: soo, we use the girl to get to him

Stefan: he doesn't know about that doppelganger is even alive, from what I gathered Kathrine and Elijah were the ones to lead him to Elena and as Elijah is dead and we never saw Kathrine he doesn't know about her

Caroline: and thus he doesn't even know Hailey or broke his curse which leads us to that he didn't have kids at all

Alaric: if Caroline couldn't convince him he can check my memories of his child

*Damon arrives with a school bus*

Alaric: time to go

*they all get in the bus and Alaric tells Damon about the conversation they had in his absence*

Damon: it doesn't seem like a bad idea Caroline

Caroline: so you think I can do it?

Damon continues his sentence: in case he doesn't rip your heart the moment he lays his eyes on you

Caroline disappointed: oh..

Damon: never fear Bonnie is here! She can help us to get him to listen but I have this annoying question since yesterday and it's not because I miss them but where are Matt Donavon and Jeremy?

Stefan: Jeremy is at his University and Matt joined the human army to fight vampires

Damon: I should've guessed, so Matt didn't change after all he still hates us

*Damon laughs*

Damon: but I'm still surprised about Jeremy, I didn't think that he had it in him to join college

Elena: well you weren't here to mess his life

*Damon wipes the smile of his face*

Damon: is that what you think of me?

Elena: I'm sorry I didn't mean to judge, I know we have history but I'm still not processing it

Damon: wouldn't be your first, any way, hey Alaric! wake me up when it's my turn to drive or when you get bored of driving

Lizzy: mom, why didn't we just take the plane?

Caroline and Jo: because....

Caroline: I'm sorry it's just I'm used to them calling me mom

Jo: it's not a big deal I totally understand, I mean I just knew about them yesterday

Caroline: I'll give you a moment with them excuse me

*Caroline goes to sit beside her mom*

Jo: it's just there's war going on and where we're heading is not safe for planes

Gosey: why didn't you came to us?

Jo: Alaric, I mean your dad said that I was in coma after giving you birth

Gosey: we're sorry we didn't come to visit you mom

Jo: it's okay sweet girl, your dad said that he didn't want you to worry about me

*After a day of driving they finally arrived New Orleans*

Bonnie: this place looks like trash

Damon: can you do like a zooming spell to tell us where exactly is he?

Alaric: no need I know where he lives follow me

*At the compound where Klaus lives*

Kol: did you bastard compelled a dozen of people and kids to come here as dinner? You clever bastard!

*Damon was about to speak while he saw Klaus getting downstairs and replaying to Kol*

Klaus: ooh noo I didn't but let's dig in brother!

Damon: no you're not! Just wait a second we're here to talk to you about a very important thing!

Klaus: nothing is of importance to me

*Klaus looks at Kol*

Klaus: take your pick brother! Who do we have in the back here?

*Klaus goes towards Elena and in angry voice*

Klaus: Katerina, well well, aren't you brave coming here?

Elena: I'm not Kathrine! I'm the doppelganger Elena Gilbert!

Rebecca: hey Nik! Ooh we have guests?

Damon: can all of you just shut up!

*Damon takes Caroline's phone and plays Klaus's voice message*

*Klaus gets confused*

Klaus: nice trick but I didn't send any messages to anyone, but sure this voice is similar to mine! But since you delivered me a doppelganger I'll give you an hour as a head start to run

Alaric: it's not a trick, this is your voice, we traveled through time, this is wrong you had a child!

Klaus: you're bluffing!

Alaric: you can check my memories! I'm not afraid of you

*Klaus puts his hands on Alaric's head and sees his whole memories*

End of Episode four