Episode seven

Klaus: alright, everyone wake up we have a big mission, well three missions, so pick up the base and wake up!

Enzo: no need to shout mate most of us have vamp hearing

Damon: is it morning already? Damn it the bed was too comfortable

Bonnie: that's because you have been sleeping in cars, the bus we came in and tents for a while

Damon: I hate camping

Klaus: alright witch you'll do the location spell on my dear older new sister, but there's a slight change of plans, we will bring my mother along with my brother first, you know needing her blood and all

Bonnie, I'll do the spell but I can't guarantee that your brother or mother will know what to do to come back, so we need a supernatural to die knowing the steps, and gather them both when we get Amara and kill the travellers

Klaus: why none of you told me about that part of the plan?

Damon: maybe we didn't trust you completely so we didn't want to give you a full manual book so you can stab us in the back

Klaus: oh no I like ripping my victim's heart out more

Damon: snapping the neck always works for me

Caroline: seriously? Arguing about the way you prefer to kill people? You both are idiots!

Bonnie: so who can we use to get Elijah and Ester?

*Kol walks inside with Camille with her neck covered in blood*

Kol: sorry, what did I miss?

Rebecca: oh bloody hell! I liked that bar tender!

Klaus: why must you eat every bar tender brother?

Kol: it wasn't my intention, I met her on my way and I was hungry!

Elena: oh my god! Is she okay! Stefan give her your blood!

*Stefan feels her heart beat with his hand

Stefan: it won't work, she is unconscious, she won't drink, but there's another way

*Stefan gets a knife from the table, stabs himself then stabs Camille*

Klaus: looks like you're a pro in saving humans I'll give that much, but I'm afraid that won't be enough, she'll die, but at least that way she is coming back

Kol: so brother, when are we going to fight the big bad witch?

Klaus: we need our mother's blood first so we're going to need a supernatural to die first before we go to get our beloved sister

Damon: alright, I'll go to get Amara, I need a team here because the travellers are going to be everywhere there gaurding her

Klaus: another thing you forgot to mention yesterday

Damon: don't take it personally but I'm not the trusting kind especially when your honorable brother stabbed us before and broke his word

Klaus: Elijah doesn't ever break his word!

Damon: really? Because our deal with him was to kill you and we were about to do so then he snatched you and ran away

Klaus: Elijah would never do that

Damon: ooh but he did

*Camille wakes up panicking*

Elena: oh my god are you okay!

*Camille sees Kol looking at her and smiling*

Camille: get away from me you attacked me! you..!

*Kol grabs the knife from the floor, cuts Elena's hand and put it in Camille's mouth*

Kol: oh drink love, I think we got your volunteer witch, work your magic

Camille: what the hell! What happened to me?! Why did I drank her blood!?

Kol: you're a vampire now darling, but you're making quite a scene

Elena: she just died at least consider her panic and stop being a jerk to her

*Damon gives Elena his blood to cure her hand*

Elena: thanks

*Damon concerned*

Damon: are you feeling better?

Elena awkwardly: yeah.. yeah

Camille: I what?! Died! Am I dead?!

*Klaus looks deeply in Camille's eyes*

Klaus: you're going to calm down love and do exactly what I say

*Camille calms down*

Camille: wow! How did do that?

Klaus: that's just a little trick love, it's called compelling people, me myself, my sister here and brother and the brother you're going to help us get back can also compel vampires

Camille: how am I going to help? Is he like missing or something?

*Klaus and Kol laughs*

Klaus: no love he is dead, and here miss little witch is going to tell you how you're going to help us getting him

Bonnie: I won't do that! I'm not going to be a part of killing an innocent woman!

*Kol grabs Camille and looks deeply in her eyes*

Kol: you're our volunteer to get our brother back, and if anyone here tries to stop you, you'll stab yourself with a stake of wood in the heart

Camille: I'll volunteer to get your brother back and will stab myself if anyone tries to stop me

Bonnie: you're disgusting!

Kol: I got the job done haven't I?

Damon: alright, Barbie you're with me, you too Mr I'm getting the job done, these travellers are a pain in the ass

Stefan: I'll come too

Damon: oh no no no like the hell you're, you and Elena will stay here, did you forget what I told you about the travellers using your doppelganger blood to wipe out witches's magic?! You need to lay low, use protection if needed! I didn't came here to lose you again

Klaus: Stefan is a doppelganger?

Damon: oh yes, and he will need your protection if any travellers came after him

Klaus: it's not I'm doing anything else, but I can cut this arguing short and just compel him to stay put

Damon: that would be nice

Stefan: he's not going to compel me, and you'll need more of a team to get Amara and the travellers

Damon: then I'll take Klaus and let the cute sister Rebecca to babysit you little bro

*Damon heads out with Kol, Klaus, and Caroline*

*Stefan rushes to get after them but Rebecca gets in his way*

Rebecca: you're stuck with me either you like it or not, now you won't go after your brother

*She said looking deeply in his eyes*

Bonnie: hey Ric

Alaric: hey

Bonnie: I want to see if the magic your kids syphoned is still in them so we won't be doing all of this in vain

*Jo interrupts Bonnie*

Jo: I put my magic in a knife, they can put some of it in something too

Alaric: that's right you're a genius!

*Alaric kisses her and then he realizes the situation they're in*

Alaric: I'm sorry, I'm just used to do that, I'm...

Jo: come here handsome

*Jo kisses Alaric again*

Jo: I didn't say I didn't like it

*Alaric smiles and looks at her with longing in his eyes*

Alaric: oh god I missed you so much

Bonnie: you two liked each other the moment you saw each other, now excuse me, I'll give you a moment

*Bonnie leaves Jo and Alaric and goes to Lizzy and Gosey's room to get their magic in something to keep it*

*Meanwhile Elena and Stefan*

Elena: he just wants to protect you

Stefan: I don't need his protection

Elena: he is terrified of losing you

Stefan: so he makes my ex babysitting me!

Rebecca: yes we were quite the item but don't feel jealous love we're not anymore

Stefan: I can't just sit here and do nothing

Elena: then don't

Stefan: I've been compelled!

Elena whispers: play along

*Stefan nods*

Elena: well I'll go shower to blow off some steam, do you want to join me? *She said in a seductive playful tone*

Stefan: oh yeah I'm right after you

*Elena and Stefan head to the bathroom and open the tap*

Elena: she compelled you not to follow your brother, we can just do something else to help

Stefan impressed: go on

Elena: Amara won't help us to do the spell unless we give her an offer she can't refuse and all she's ever wanted was to die

Stefan: so we go get her the cure

Elena: now we don't want to risk waking up Sails and there are two prison worlds have the cure in them

Stefan: so we convince Bonnie and Jo to help us get the cure! You're a genius! I love you

*Stefan kisses Elena*

Stefan: sorry that was a habit

Elena: it's okay, I'll go convince Jo, you go convince Bonnie

Stefan: I'm on it but we need to change our clothes so Rebecca doesn't suspect anything

Elena: you're right

*They both change their clothes, Elena heads to Jo and Stefan to Bonnie*

Elena: hey Jo

Jo: hey Elena

Elena: I know we don't know each other very well but I need your help

Jo: oh no you can ask me I'd like to help

Elena: so we know about the prison world and that your brother is there, but we wanted to ask you to give us the ascendant I know it's a lot to ask but it'll be super helpful

Jo: but that would free Kai!

Elena: Kai needs a Bennett blood and Bonnie won't be going it'll be just me and Stefan, and we know he is in Mystic Falls in that prison world and we're going straight to the island so he won't even know that we're there

Jo: here it is but please be careful, I was already scared of him but when Ric told me that he killed me on my wedding day and the whole family it terrified me

Elena: I promise I won't let him get out

*Jo hands the ascendant to Elena*

*Meanwhile Stefan and Bonnie*

Stefan: hey Bonnie, can I talk to you for a second?

Bonnie: sure Stefan

Stefan: I know that you and me both haven't talked since you found me for killing your boyfriend and all

Bonnie: I forgave you already, you helped me against Cade and saved Mystic Falls, so all is forgiven

Stefan: that's good to hear, listen I need you to do me a favor

Bonnie: what do you want?

Stefan: I want you to help me and Elena to get into the prison world, Elena is going to get the ascendant from Jo and...

*Bonnie interrupts him surprised and concerned*

Bonnie: no! That's a hard no from me

Stefan: just listen to me we need..

Bonnie: I know that you want to help but I'm not going to let you get yourself killed by that maniac Kai over there, and put Damon through not knowing how to deal with your death situation!

Stefan: look we know he is in Mystic Falls, he won't know about us, and we're going straight to the island to get the cure, you know we need it to get Amara to agree to let us cast the spell

Bonnie: yes but..

Stefan: and I don't think that we want a mind reader freak going around messing with our brains

*Elena enters the room*

Elena: I got the ascendant!

Bonnie: alright but don't die or I'll have to face an angry Damon

Stefan: don't worry we'll be careful I promise

*Bonnie gives them her blood to link them to her, uses some of it to cast the spell*

Bonnie: it'll give you until sundown 8 hours at most then you'll drop back here

*Bonnie does the spell and send them to Kai's prison world*

*Meanwhile Damon, Klaus, Kol, and Caroline*

Damon: we're here, now listen! The travellers will be here in an hour or so to protect Amara's body, I know exactly where the body is but we have to make a trap to capture 24 one of them so we can do the spell

Klaus: seems easy enough

Kol: then let's start setting the traps

*Meanwhile Camille, Bonnie, and Rebecca*

Camille: I feel like I want to freak out but I'm too calm it's driving me crazy! Am I going to be crazy? Does that really runs in the family!?

Bonnie: I swear I'll find a way to help you

Rebecca: you can't help her silly girl she's been compelled

Bonnie: no need to shovel it in her face

Camille: this is crazy, I am a vampire? I didn't even know that those things were real, so now am I allergic to garlic and will die in sun light? But the vampire who attacked me walked into the sun

*Camille puts her hand slowly into the sun light and get burned*

Camille: this hurts like a bitch!

Bonnie: I can make you a day light ring, and no you can eat garlic, I'll figure something out

*Five hours later*

Rebecca: have anyone seen that bunnies hunter? I don't see him here

Bonnie nervously: he may be in his room or Elena's

Rebecca: I'll go check

Bonnie: oh wait!

Rebecca: what?

Bonnie: can't you just help Camille here to control her new identity?

Rebecca: you're acting weird! Something is going on! Where's Stefan?

Bonnie: he...

*Rebecca grabs Bonnie by the throat*

Rebecca: where is he!

Bonnie: I sent him in the prison world to get something

Rebecca: you sent him to get the cure!

Bonnie: do you mind putting me down now!

Rebecca: not that you made me look like an idiot!

*Rebecca holds Bonnie further high*

*Gramz enters the room and sees Rebecca holds Bonnie from the throat*

Gramz: put my child down now!

*Gramz uses her magic to throw Rebecca away from Bonnie*

Camille: Holly crap!

Rebecca: you bitch!

*Rebecca hears someone coming into the compound*

Rebecca: they're back, I'll deal with you later! Let's go down to see what they got

Damon: hey Stefan! We're back! See I told you it's not that hard!

Rebecca: are those the travellers?

Damon: yes, they're unconscious, now where's my baby bro?

Rebecca: ask your witch friend!

Damon: Bonnie! What have you done?! Where's my brother?!

Bonnie: he'll be back soon

Damon to Rebecca: you were supposed to make him stay put! Where has he gone!

Bonnie: relax he'll be here any second now he went to get the cure

Damon: what?! Did you forget what Sails did to him?! How can you help him to do that! But wait, doesn't he needs you to get to Sails? *Damon asks confused*

Bonnie: I didn't sent him to Sails, I sent him to Kai's prison world

Damon: oh because that's much better, him stuck with that maniac!

*They both get interrupted by a sound in the room above*

Bonnie: he's back! See I told you he'll be back soon

*Damon rushes upstairs and hugs his brother*

Damon angerly: are you insane! How could you risk it!

Elena: I'll let you two talk, I'll go give the ascendant to Jo

*Elena walks out of the room*

Stefan: we got the cure, it's not like you gave me much of a choice

Damon: maybe I didn't want you to get killed on your birthday!

Stefan: you don't have to spend entirety fearing for my life, it'll destroy you!

Damon: well I'd rather be destroyed than lose you idiot!

Klaus: are you two done Pickering? Cause we would like to wake Amara and get my brother back

Damon: I'm coming *he said looking furiously at Stefan*

*Damon goes over to Kol and whispers in his ear something makes Kol smiles*

Kol: well I can't say I'm not surprised but I don't mind doing it

Damon: thanks

*Klaus brings a blood bag and puts it into Amara's mouth*

*Amara wakes up panicking and scared*

Damon: hey hey Amara! Look at me

Amara: nooo get away from me get away from me!

Elena: this is both sad and creepy, it's like it's me looking ib the mirror, mean I saw Kathrine doing stuff from Damon's memories but still gives me creeps!

Damon: Amara! We can help you die! But we need you to cooperate with us bringing someone back!

Amara: how are you going to help me! Do you have the cure?

Damon: yes, our witch friend here and her Gramz are going to start the spell but you need to calm down

Amara: how do I know you're not lying? That you have the cure?

*Stefan pulls the cure out*

Stefan: because I have it right here

*Rebecca looks at the cure with heart ache and thinking that as much as she want it, she want her brother back more*

Damon: do we have a deal?

Amara: okay but do it quickly I can't handle more of this!!

Klaus: start the spell witches

Bonnie: you can't let Camille die!

Kol: oh no she's free to go we have another volunteer

*Kol looks deeply in Camille's eyes*

Kol: you won't kill yourself

Camille: that's a relief

*Bonnie starts the spell with Gramz*

Stefan: who's going to go grab Elijah and Ester then?

*Damon holding a stake*

Damon: that would be me

*Damon stabs himself in the heart*

*All the people in the room gets shocked*

Stefan: noooooo!

Elena: oh my god!

Bonnie: Damon nooo!

Klaus: I didn't see that one coming

Camille: oh my god is he dead?! And why his color is gray!?

*After 15 minutes Elijah and Ester appears beside Amara and Rebecca goes to hug her brother*

Rebecca: oh brother we missed you so much!

Nik: welcome home brother

*Kol holds hand cuffs and chains his mother*

Kol: welcome our dear mother

*Ester tries to do magic but fails*

Kol: don't bother, it's something from a special collection of mine, you won't be able to do magic mother

Stefan: where the hell is Damon! Why didn't he come out yet!

*Damon appears beside Amara*

Damon: I was bringing a friend

*Lexi appears beside Amara*

Stefan: Lexi?!!

Lexi: happy birthday Stefan

End of episode seven