Episode ten

*At the compound*

*The whole group is hanging out with each other day drinking*

Liz: I hope Caroline is okay, I still can't believe that she's a mom

Elena: and I still can't believe that she got married

Gramz: and I can't believe that her daughters can syphon magic

Jo: they're adorable, almost can't believe that they're my kids

Alaric: and you're believing everything else? I mean it's pretty nuts *he said joking and laughing*

Jo: oooh it's totally nuts!

Enzo: and that part where we're all dead

Jo: yeeeees, I mean it's kinda cool right

Camille: I like you people! I mean I like sitting here with you, thought I want to taste your blood see if I like it or not

Elena: I'm O negative, I think it'll be tasty

Liz: mine tastes better!

Camille: I'll be the one to decide here!

Bonnie's dad: do you get drunk on people blood too? I mean you'll have a bourbon hang over, if you got high on blood too you will have two hang overs?

Camille: that's a solid theory I want to test it rrrrright!

Alaric: we're super drunk aren't we?

Jo: oh don't kill my buzz my sweet fiance slash husband to be from the future

Elena: that's a long nick name!

Caroline's dad: yes you totally need a shorter nick name!

*They hear someone coming from the door*

Enzo: they're back

Alaric: the pizza guy?

Jo: wait! You ordered pizza? I want one too!

Elena: me too!

*Klaus enters the room angerly and grabs Alaric and takes everyone off guard*

Klaus: you dared to come into my house! Seeking my help! And try to manipulate me!

Gramz: put him down or I'll force you!

*Enzo runs towards Klaus to help Gramz but Kol hurries and snaps his neck*

Kol calmly in a sarcastic voice: I've been waiting to kill someone all day along, aaand you people just won't shut up, maybe I'll start with you old lady

Elijah: Niklaus! Calm down! What on earth are you doing? Care to share what you know?

Klaus: as if it wasn't bloody obvious! They used their way to manipulate me into helping them, blinding me with my desire to bring you back while we help them jump back in time!

Rebecca: so bloody what!! Oh my god *Rebecca realizes something*

Rebecca: Kol and Finn would be dead!

Klaus: and I would break my sire line! Won't be able to create more hybrids as the doppelganger took the cure!

Rebecca: why do you even care about the bloody hybrids?!

Kol: I say we kill the lot of them here and hung their drunken heads over the door, it'll be a nice touch don't you think Nik?

*A sound of a car stopping interrupts their conversation*

Klaus: that's great, they're here! I would like nothing more to rip their throats out!

Bonnie: dad! I'm back

Gramz: run child! Run!

*Klaus hurries and stands in front of the gate*

Klaus: not so fast! I've been waiting to talk to you and...

*Klaus searches with his eyes about Damon*

Klaus: where is your brother?!! That manipulative ass!

Stefan: manipulative? What are you talking about? What's going on here

*Klaus grabs Stefan by the throat looking deep in Stefan's eyes*

Klaus: I asked where is he!

Stefan struggling to breathe: he's right after us

Bonnie: put him down and tell me what the hell are talking about!!

Klaus angerly: you want the compass to travel back in time aren't you?!

Bonnie shouting at Klaus: yes we did! We want to set things right! Maybe if half of the humanity wasn't dead we would stay much longer!!

Klaus: and you thought I'd be okay with letting you kill two of my siblings!

Bonnie: do you think we want this? I don't want to lose my whole family! My best friend who is linked to my death, the love of my life

*Bonnie notices Enzo on the floor*

Bonnie: oh my God Enzo!!!

Kol: he'll be alright darling, he's having a little nap!

Bonnie continues with tears in her eyes: Caroline doesn't want both of her parents dead! And her husband getting killed on their wedding day! If we can stay here, her twins won't have to do the merge and both of them will be alive! Alaric won't lose his wife! Elena will still have most of her family alive! Damon didn't even want to come with us because he knows that when he'll see Stefan, he won't be able to let go!

*Damon enters the room*

Damon: what do you mean I'll have to let go?

Bonnie: you haven't thought about what are we going to do with the compass?

Damon: yes I have! I would destroy it into a million pieces so no one else or whoever have it doesn't screw things up for me!

Klaus: you're lying!

*Klaus grabs Damon and looks deeply in his eyes*

Klaus: now tell me the truth! What were you planning to do with the compass!

Damon: I'm on vervain friend but you can listen to my heart beat and tell if I was lying! I WOULD HAVE DESTROYED THAT DAMN COMPASS!

Bonnie: how could you say something like that?!

Damon: what do you mean?! I have my brother back! I didn't agree to the whole trip but now we're here, I'm not letting Stefan go!

Bonnie: half of the humanity are dead!

Damon: these are politicians and their people, some are witches! And I don't give a crap about any of them, so if you are just trying to just get things right for the whole world except us, I won't be here to support you Bon Bon, you might be able to let your people go, but I won't be! and if you succeed to get the compass and wanted to go back, I won't go with you! I prefer to die before letting my brother go! anything will be better than a dead Stefan and a girlfriend in a coma linked to your death! I'm done trying to live up to your expectations! It's freaking hard to act nice! To put other people first, and I've been playing that little game for years! For all of your sake, so this time I'm going to be the selfish old me and won't help you set things right for the world, this is my chance to stay with Stefan and Elena even if she's not my girlfriend, I'm still glad to see her awake again!

Klaus smirking: so you didn't tell your friends witch about your plan either, I guess that makes you a no threat to me

Kol: so now what? Do we get to kill her?

Damon: I may not be on the same page with her but don't you dare hurt her! Or you'll regret it deeply! I didn't came to the originals house underestimating what I'm walking into

Elijah: what do you mean?

Damon: my little trip wasn't just to get vervain, I was preparing something to ensure you won't break your deal with us or stabbing us!

*Damon shows one of the cursed daggers that cause madness to an original*

Damon: I went to get some special daggers from a friendly old witch I met 25 years ago, I wanted her to give me something strong and she just happened to have these beautiful daggers and she hates your ass so much

Klaus: that's just one dagger you can use it only on one of use while the rest tear you apart

Damon: do I look that dump to you? I have seven daggers, I only put one on me so you can't steal them, and don't even think about killing me to get rid of the daggers or the other daggers will be sent directly to the human army to come after you

*Klaus becomes furious*

Klaus: there's no army that can stop me!

Damon: humans alone, you're right, but they would have witches on there side

Elijah: you are saying you just betrayed us and expects us to let that go?

Damon: I didn't betray anyone, it was my insurance policy, we'll get our end of the deal as promised

*Damon looks at Bonnie*

Damon: but it'll be to destroy it not to set things right

*Damon walks out of the room and Liz goes after him*

Damon: what do you want Liz? To die on me for the second time?

Liz: you're an ass! I can't believe that I was your friend

Damon: you're still drunk

Liz: but not blind, I'm thinking you're carrying a heavy burden, trying to protect everyone, especially Stefan, and you're not letting yourself rest properly

Damon: great, you're going to analyze me! Wasn't that the bar tender's job?

Liz: I'm here as your friend Damon and you clearly needs someone to understand you, you're destroying yourself, letting your guilt consumes you, and feels helpless even though you're doing great so far, you managed to protect all of them, you even brought Stefan's friend

Damon: who I killed

Liz: it doesn't matter who you once were, what matters is who you are now

Damon: but that's who I'm and I'm not going to change

Liz: your desire to save you brother says otherwise

*Damon looks the other way*

Liz: it's okay if you don't want to talk about it right now, but just know that I'm here for you and don't be so hard on Bonnie, she means well

*Liz leaves Damon*

*At Bonnie's room, Enzo wakes up and Bonnie tells him everything that happened since she got into the compound*

Enzo: you're doing the selfless right thing, but right now they have the advantage, Klaus have the anchor and a witch so if you even managed to kill one of them, he'll easily get them back while it wouldn't be the same deal for your team, he has a great advantage, even if Damon has those daggers Klaus is one tough bastard from what I gathered, his witch will know how to locate the compass, while you can't, and now they know your intentions, Damon isn't on your side to help you, even though he's an ass but he has a brilliant plans

Bonnie: so the smart thing for me is to make them think that I'm out of the game and follow them

Enzo: exactly love, and you might need help from the expert of that

Bonnie: who do you have in mind?

Enzo: the bitch doppelganger

Bonnie: you want me to ask Kathrine for help?!!

Enzo: she's the only one who managed to get away from Klaus

Bonnie: and to track him down, this is a brilliant plan, although I don't think Damon would be happy to see her

Enzo: he'll get over it love

Bonnie: how can you be on my side knowing that you'll be dead?

Enzo: I don't understand it but it feels like the right thing to do

Bonnie: so it's just the two of us?

*Gramz, Stefan and Elena enters the room*

Stefan: I know this is going to sound weird, but I'm with you Bonnie, a few lives of us aren't worthy the half of the Earth's population

Elena: just tell us the plan and we'll help you

Gramz: you know it's the right thing to do my child

Stefan: so what's the plan?

*Bonnie smiles gratefully and tells them her plan*

Bonnie: you will stay here with them to spy and give me the new information they get on the compass and me and Enzo will race them to it

End of episode ten