*at night in Damon's room*
*Damon lies on the floor doing nothing, with a million thoughts in his head when Elena knocks on the door and enters the room*
Elena: it's good you're awake, I've been hoping to talk to you
Damon: and I've been avoiding you
Elena: why are you laying on the floor?
Damon: I used to lie down in the middle of the street and kill whoever stops to check on me
Elena: because you're hurt
Damon: no because they're dump!
Elena: but they want just to help
Damon: and that's the point! They're trying to help, to make things right, but this world isn't fair, they would end up just getting hurt
Elena: are you talking about what Stefan did to save you and Mystic Falls or about Bonnie for wanting to set things right?
Damon: it doesn't matter
Elena concerned: of course it does!
*She sits on the floor next to him*
Damon: why would it matter? No one listens to me anyway, Stefan did what he wanted, and Bonnie... She is about to do a great mistake not to mention that now these originals won't leave he be, will keep an eye on her maybe plot to kill her if she tries to get in the way
Elena: you're worried about her
Damon annoyed: I don't get worried!
Elena: no, you don't admit to get worried
Damon: I don't agree with what she wants to do, if there's another way to get Stefan back with us I would have supported her, but there isn't and I really couldn't care less about dead witches or dead politicians and their men
Elena: they are still people!
Damon pissed: so you're here to convince me to send Stefan to his grave!?
Elena: n.. no I'm not, I care about him! Of course I don't want him to die!
Damon: then what are you doing here?
Elena: can't I just come to check on you?
Damon: I'm not buying that excuse but I'll let you get away with it because I missed ...
*Damon cut his words short*
Elena: missed what?
Damon nervously: n.. nothing
Elena: no you were going to say something, come on don't be like that
Damon sarcastically: I missed your annoying stubborn head, and god that tongue says some pretty crappy advices, not to mention your stubborn ass when you want to call the shots
Elena upset: you're an idiot! So I'm here to comfort you and you name calling me!
*Elena gets up and heads to the door but Damon hurries and blocks her path while looking at her with longing in his eyes for her*
Damon: I didn't mean to upset you
Elena: I know, you just was about to open up to me and then you just used your crappy sarcasm to avoid telling me how you really feel
Damon: I'm sure you know the answer to that already, so I want you to let that scar of mine alone
Elena: it doesn't seem like a scar to me, it seems like a fresh wound and it needs to be taken care of
Damon: and do you think that I really should let the person who caused the wound patches it up and takes care of it?
Elena: you're right.. I should probably go..
Damon instantly: NO! I.. I mean, I didn't mean to offend you or make you feel unwelcomed, but you should know that.. I'm happy you came to see me
*Elena smiles and nods then heads out of the room while Damon can't help but smiles and feels so happy that she came to see him*
*At midnight Camille is standing in the main balcony watching the stars thinking about everything that happened when Klaus walks into the balcony too*
Klaus: what are you doing here this late?
Camille: thinking about everything that happened to me in the past couple days
Klaus: I'm wondering why you haven't left the compound yet?
Camille: because I'm terrified
*Klaus laughs*
Klaus: do you have any idea how naïve you sound love? There's nothing which can be worse than us
Camille: it's not me I'm afraid to get hurt, I mean clearly I'm freaking out, but it's just... I don't want to hurt people
*Camille looks at the sky again*
Klaus: do you like the stars?
Camille: it looks like a giant painting and it's a new painting everyday
Klaus: so you're a fan of art
Camille: I like to look at every painting, try to see past the colors, to see why the artist chose that specific color, how deep it goes and what wounds it represents
Klaus: come with me
Camille: where are we going?
Klaus: I'll show you my private collection of art
Camille surprised: you're an artist?
Klaus: come see for yourself
*Klaus takes Camille into a private room where there are dozens of paintings*
*A huge painting of a book wounded by a pen stabbing it catches Camille's eyes*
Camille impressed: this one here, this book is a symbol of wisdom and old age maybe even a friend and this blood is for violence, something unstable or a misunderstanding led to something wrong, and the pen is clearly representing some kind of betrayal as if the creator betrayed what it created
Klaus: this one I painted when Elijah died, he was my wise voice, my advisor even when we had our differences he still was my advisor and never gave up on me for all of those years, just like how he stayed by my side and had my back for a thousand years, the bloody wound caused by the pen stabbing the book represents betrayal, as if you suddenly don't like the book after keeping it for years, even creating it, so you decided to get rid of it in a nasty way, it's our mother's betrayal for Elijah, he went over to her to talk to her to let us live instead of haunting us like father, turning each witch against us, he went to reason with her as she requested and the next thing I see was Elijah's sire line dies everywhere among the world
Camille shocked: your mother is a bitch! I assumed she hated you and vise versa because you wanted her punished and locked her in a dungeon, but she killed one of her sons!? That's terrible!
Klaus: I killed her twice if this makes you more comfortable
Camille: it's definitely not comforting knowing that you killed your own mother, but you did mention that your father haunted you
Klaus: our father destroyed towns and killed a lot of people when he was after us, well me to be specific
Camille: why would he be after you?
Klaus: because I wasn't his son, our mother had an affair with a werewolf, father didn't know about it until we were made Vampires, when he found out, he killed my real father, forced mother to bind my wolf side, then after I killed Ester and flee with my siblings, he saw that I took his family from him so he made it his life mission to haunt and terrorize me
Camille: your dad is an ass hole!
*Klaus laughs*
Klaus: what about Kol?
Camille: the sibling who killed me?
Klaus still laughing: yes him
Camille: he's a jerk!
Klaus: Rebecca?
Camille: she was shoveling my death in my face every five minutes so she is kind of a bitch too
Klaus: what about Elijah?
Camille: that handsome sibling in a fine suit?
Klaus smirking: we're all handsome, love
Camille: he seems noble to me, very old school, the good guy in movies who acts according to a very specific plan
Klaus: and what do I seem to you?
*Camille looks at Klaus studying him*
Camille: you seem... Complicated, once you're about to cut off my hand, acting like a jerk to me at the bar, and then, you're telling me about the amazing things I can do as a vampire, asking me about the stars and showing me your paintings, it's like you want me to hear what you have to say, you don't want to be judged, you act cruel so no one sees your good side, the caring side, you fear that if you show it, it'll make you weak
*Klaus gets annoyed and slightly nervous for not knowing how to respond to Camille's words*
Klaus in a firm tone: it was a long day, you should probably go rest
*Camille feels that she's no longer welcomed so she heads to her room immediately while Klaus thinks of Camille's words*
* at Caroline's room*
Caroline: come on girls it's your bedtime
Lizzy: but I don't want to sleep
Gosey: I don't want either, I want you to tell me a story
Caroline: but mommy is tired
Lizzy: can we make miss Gosett tell us the story!
Gosey: yes she seems nice
Lizzy: yes and beautiful
Caroline: I don't want to disturb her
Gosey: she likes us, she won't mind
Lizzy: please mommy pleaaaase
*Stefan enters the room*
Stefan: is everything okay in here? I heard the girls
Caroline nervously: oh yeah we're tooootally good here
Lizzy: no mom doesn't want us to go over to miss Gosett!
Caroline: I don't want you to disturb her that's all, it's past your bedtime anyway
Stefan: don't worry about Jo, she's awake downstairs
Gosey and Lizzy screaming happily: yeah yeah
*And they run out of the room towards Jo's room*
Caroline: I just... Nevermind
Stefan: what is it? Talk to me
Caroline: I'm just still not used to their biological mother being around, I fear that she's going to replace me and the girls won't need me anymore... I know it's stupid but..
Stefan: it's not stupid, you spent ten years with them taking care of them, it's normal you feel that way, you'll always be their mother and they'll always love you
Caroline: I hope you're right
Stefan: I'm sure of it, you've grown up so much since I actually saw you 15 years ago
Caroline: I was a teenager back then
Stefan: this new you for me is someone who has a great personality, a caring person and that's really awesome
*Caroline blushes*
Caroline: I know I shouldn't be the one asking you, but what happened down there... I haven't thought about the merge and this time, there's an opportunity for the girls to both survive, I know this is selfish but they're all the matters to me
Stefan: you'll find another way I promise
Caroline surprised: you're with Bonnie on this?!
Stefan: absolutely!
Caroline: then how can you promise me another way while you won't be even there with me
*Caroline stares at the floor sadly*
Stefan: I know that I won't be there but my gut tells me that we'll find another way, those people didn't deserve to die, and what good are we if we saw ourselves their better and valued our lives more in the
Caroline: does Damon know that this is what you're thinking?
Stefan: he'll be mad and then says "Stefan! Always the hero" *Stefan mimicking Damon's voice*
*Caroline laughs*
Stefan: he'll be okay somehow
Caroline: that's where you're wrong, I know you can see it, but Damon is on dangerous edge, he won't be able to lose you again, he'll either flips his switch and lots of people die or go mad, and you know it
Stefan: just promise me that you'll be there for him
*Stefan holds Caroline's hand and smiles*
Caroline: I will, I promise *she said smiling and then rests her head on Stefan's shoulder*
*the next morning*
Elena: Damon!
Damon: what?
Elena: Bonnie left with Enzo earlier this morning
Damon: and why would she do that?
Elena: you're joking right? She has a target on her back! And these originals will be watching her every move
Damon: I would have protected her! Yes I'm still mad at her but I won't let her get hurt!
Elena: just let her be, give her some time and she'll come back before you know it
Damon: just tell her not to tell you where she is headed
Elena: why?
Damon: I know we're on vervain now but they can just bleed us and compel us if something went wrong and they will immediately think it's her fault
Elena: then they'll use us to get to her
Damon: exactly, now I'll go see the new updates with our new witch
*Freya is doing the location spell on the compass magic and Klaus is standing next to her*
Damon: what have you got here?
Freya: this magic is very old, and powerful
Damon: any sign of where that compass will be?
Freya: that's the thing! There are many signs here, so either this magic created more than just one compass or it created many other magical objects just as powerful as it
Klaus: it sees that this witch was quite the active one
Freya: theses green signs on the map are referring to where those objects might be
*Damon looks at the map and sees many green signs*
Damon: this is going to be a very long shot
End of episode eleven