Episode seventeen

Freya: RUN!!!

*Stefan carries Elena and Caroline carries Freya and they start running from the massive rocky creature*

Stefan: what the hell is that thing!!

Freya: I have no idea!

Caroline: why is it that big!

Elena: Damon is stuck in the sand, how are we going to get him?

Stefan: right now we have to get a cover

Elena: I hate deserts!

*They run for quite a while until the creature suddenly dissolves into rocks on the ground*

Stefan: what was that?

*They stop and Freya goes to check the rocks*

Freya: this symbol referres to a part of a dark object

Caroline: and what? Did it suddenly stopped working?

Stefan: the Egyptians liked to set traps not to get their gold stolen, they would put these traps in the forms of puzzle, so the thieves can't steal their jewelry

Freya: Damon must have displaced a piece of the puzzle or stumbled on the wrong rock and

Elena: so when he put it back

Caroline: this thing died again

Stefan: at least that means that he is still alive

*Meanwhile under the sand in what looks like a buried temple*

Damon: what the hell was that thing! But it's a good thing that it didn't saw me, did I missplaced this beauty? *Damon puts the diamond in a different hole, I hope these idiots got out in time ugh! One more one here... And done!

*Damon puts the last diamond in the last hole and the underground temple starts to shake*

Damon: what? I put it right this time!

*Damon hurries to hide behind the giant statue of Nefertiti*

*Instead of a giant rocky thing gets out of the door, a door opens in the wall to show a small box*

Damon: here we go

*As soon as Damon took the box giant snakes start to come at him from every corner*

Damon: did I mention that I hate snakes?

*Damon starts to grab as many snakes as he can and tear them apart but they seemed endless that's when he noticed that the snakes he killed are coming back to life and a giant snake gets out of a different room*

Damon: you've got to be kidding me! I don't remember defeating level one of these snakes! Now I have to defeat the boss stage?!

*The giant snake looks at Damon and starts going towards him*

Damon pissed: a pissed mama snake! Great

*Meanwhile Stefan, Freya, Elena, and Caroline*

Stefan: just use your magic to get him out

Freya: what if he still haven't gotten it?

Elena: it doesn't matter, he could be fighting a rocky creature down there!

Caroline: we'll come back later if he hasn't got it!

*Freya nods in frustration and preforms the spell to get Damon out*

Freya struggling: he is too heavy! I can't pull him out!

Elena: I know he is heavy, but he isn't that heavy!

*Freya tries with much more power to pull Damon out until he popped out of the sand with a giant snake tail wrapped around his body*

Damon struggling to talk: cut.. the.. tail off!

*Caroline runs towards the camels, grab a knife then goes back to stab the snake which healed fast and tightened its grip on Damon*

Stefan: we have to cut off the head!

Freya to Stefan and Caroline: you have to distract it, while I preform a spell to kill it

Elena: and what am I going to be doing?

Freya: cover my back and don't get killed

*Elena surprised and speechless*

*Stefan throws some water bottles at the snake*

Stefan: hey big dirty bag!

Damon: you're pissing it off, it gets worse for me up here!

*Caroline throws the knife at its eye and gets stuck in it, the snake hisses loudly, throws Damon in the air to swallow him, it was about to chase after Stefan and Caroline but it suddenly dropped dead*

Stefan: Damon is in its stomach! We need to get him out

Freya: how many times does he have to get in trouble in one day?!

*Caroline grabs the knife from the snake eye and uses it to open its stomach where Damon came out of coughing and soaked in disgusting liquor*

Damon: eww, this is disgusting! I'll need a shower ASAP!

Freya: did you get it?

Damon: it's in this box

*Freya opens the box and gets the compass out*

Damon: now you got it, I need a shower now

Elena: I'm sure there's one here in this beautiful desert

Damon: and there is no way I'm riding on a camel back for one hour with this disgusting clothes on

Freya: and how do you plan to that?

Stefan: he'll start striping in no time, you didn't have to ask

Damon: you know me too well

*Damon takes his clothes off*

Freya: impressive thinking, but I'm not riding with you like this

Damon: you can always join the naked club with me

*Freya sights*

Damon: alright folks, lets go

*At the compound*

Klaus: did you get it? We all gathered the rest of the gear so that makes you on the compass mission

Bonnie: what the hell is Damon wearing? Is that a long dress?

*All the people in the compound look at Damon and start to laugh*

Rebecca mocking: it suits you honey, you should wear it more often

Damon complaining: they didn't want me to stop to get some new clothes

Enzo: and what happened to your clothes mate?

Damon: a snake happened

Stefan: he got eaten by a snake

Bonnie concerned almost too worried: are you okay? Is anyone hurt?

Damon: I'm fine Bon Bon, that's nice since you're first to ask, and as for me, I still need a shower so, you can tell them the glorious details Stef

*Damon heads to the shower*

Bonnie: now that we gathered everything we need, as promised I want to help you with your hollow problem

Klaus: I will soon get an ancient powerful book we tried to hold the hollow in once but our witch underestimated her power so she managed to destroy it

Rebecca: who will be dump enough to hand it over to you? Witches hate you

Klaus: that'll be our hating older brother Finn, he was on the book duty

Freya: Finn was here?

Klaus: he dropped by earlier today, I told him about this whole situation, showed him to be more specific, told him that if he wishes to be saved he had to get that book from that Vincent witch

Freya angerly: you're negotiating on saving his life!!

Klaus: no love, I actually care for him but he doesn't know that so it will get him to get the job done, he will be here any minute now

Bonnie: alright then, that leaves us to get two more cures

Stefan: and to get my mother too to save her

Kol: this list is becoming annoyingly long

Caroline: it's not like that you will be doing all the work to save them, it all falls on Bonnie here

*Caroline notices that something is bothering Bonnie*

Caroline: what happened? Did something happen? I can tell that something is bothering you

Bonnie: it's... *She looks at Klaus* It's nothing

Klaus: I think we agreed that we're on the same page witch! So what is it?

Enzo: just an annoying vision a fortune teller told her about and she is concerned ever since

Klaus: and I happened to know a thing or two about those kind of witches, in fact my sister Freya helped me once to see more about my vision, do you have the witch's blood in your system?

Bonnie: no, she dropped the bomb on me and vanished after taking a few drops of my blood

Kol: well that was a bust, tell me darling, what was the vision?

*Bonnie looks at Gramz and Gramz nods giving her a confirmation nod to talk*

Bonnie: she kind of told me that it will be easy for us to gather the compass and the gear

*Damon in fresh clothes*

Damon: I wouldn't say that it was easy

Caroline: just shut up and let her continue!

Bonnie: she told me that someone will be forced to betray me in the end so that means

Damon: either mind compelling or mind controlling

Rebecca: bloody hell! for the last time we are on the same side!

Enzo: could be Sybil, after all we freed her

Klaus: continue

Bonnie: she told me that three of my enemies will come after me

Damon: Sybil is one, any of those originals can be the second, who is the third? No one even knows about you in this life time

Bonnie worried: I might know who is the third

Elena: Kathrine!

Rebecca: the doppelganger?

Damon: Kathrine? Of course it has to be her, but wait a minute, how does she even know about you and why does Elena knows about it?

Enzo: drop it mate

Damon: you know too? What are you hiding? What did you do? How is Katherine involved?

Stefan: she wanted her help in something

Damon: am I the only one who doesn't know about it here? Why on earth would you needed her help? What for?

Bonnie: it was a stupid decision but...

Damon: yes the dumpest decision on earth what have you asked from her?!!

Bonnie: when you wanted to destroy the compass I wanted to track you and take it before you destroy it and Kathrine was the best option for me!

*Damon gets super mad but holds his tongue and storms out of the compound*

Klaus: he does have a point, Katerina isn't someone you can rely on, at least now you know who will be betraying you

Caroline: no matter how Damon is angry with Bonnie, he will never betray her!

Stefan: he'll be mad for a while but he will come around he always does

Bonnie: I trust Damon with my life!

Klaus: I don't care about your life, is there anything more to what the witch told you?

Bonnie: she said that I'll have to make a decision that will hold the fate to all of my friends

Klaus: it's a good thing we're enemies then *Klaus said smiling*

Stefan: now that we still have to get two more cures to get and to get my mother from the prison world

Bonnie: I'm not sending you this time, Damon is mad at me enough, I'll send someone else, she has vamp-witches over there and she thinks of them as her family, I'll go myself

Caroline: you can't go on your own!! I can come with you

Bonnie: no, you stay here I can handle myself

Kol: as much as I don't care about your safety, we still need you to make this right, so I can come and use my compelling tricks to make her obedient sweat heart

Bonnie surprised: I have an original volunteer that's great, I'll take Kol with me then

Stefan: did you forget about the betraying part?

Bonnie: he is not a friend to betray me so I'm in the clear

Klaus: well then, we will go fetch the cure from Sails hand

Elena: I have had quite the full adventure today, so I'm going to be resting in my room and it's not like I did anything to help anyway

Camille: I didn't either, but I'm exhausted, so I'm going to have a nap

Rebecca: Hayley is sleeping in her room too

*Finn gets inside the compound but in a different unrecognizable body*

Klaus: ah Finn! You're here, did you get the book

*Finn gets out a book with a snake eating its tail drawing on it*

Finn: there! *He threw the book to him* it was hard to get so I'm not doing anything else for you

Freya: Finn?!

Finn: who are you?

Freya: it's me Finn, Freya I was the one who communicated with you

*Freya hugs Finn with tears in her eyes*

Freya: I missed you so much brother!

Finn: how did you escape our aunt? And why are you here with this bastard

Freya: it's complicated, but.. you're really here! I have so much to tell you

Kol: seeing these two bonding makes me want to puke

Bonnie: don't be an ass, leave them be and come with me

Klaus: so it's just me, the bunny hunter and Rebecca are the only ones to get against big bad Sails

Stefan: oh no I'm not coming, I'm going to check up Damon

*Lexi goes through the compound*

Lexi: I'm going to help

Stefan: Lexi! I'm glad to see you

*Stefan hugs Lexi* I thought you were going to get just in time for cloning

Lexi: I just went to see my boyfriend dude! I'm not going to be a burden and a sitting duck, I want in, and also to get more involved in your crazy ass life

Stefan: oooh I really missed you

Klaus: are we to skip the chit chat and go then?

End of episode seventeen