Episode twenty two

*Freya wakes up*

Freya: uuuh my head hurts

Kol: welcome to the party sister

Finn: I remember trying to Klaus's baby with my mother

Kol: and the part where you killed me

Freya: I have a magical headache so don't start fighting! And these memories are hitting me, I fought a snake?

Klaus enters the compound angerly: why did I pass out in the middle of the airport? I woke up with people around me, the doctors want to do tests on my healing ability! I had to compel every one of them

Freya: at least you didn't kill them, did you too have memories hitting you?

Klaus: they are annoying, memories of 15 years, then some about a journey through time with a Bennett witch and the Salvators, where's Camille?

Freya: she's in that room, I guess she also passed out from the spell

*Meanwhile at Alaric's house*

*Jenna knocks on the door*

Alaric: Jenna?

Jenna: hi! I wanted to drop by to spend time with you, but I got hit with some memories, I was your girlfriend and then some vampire guy who I was in his house not long ago killed me, Elena and.. I'm super confused

Alaric: I got memories too, come inside I'll explain everything

*Alaric sat with Jenna and told her about Klaus, the sacrifice, how she died and how they brought her back*

Alaric: I'm sorry we didn't explain sooner

Jenna: me falling asleep all the way back home is not your fault

Alaric laughing: alright, I want you to meet my girls

Jenna happily: of course!

Alaric: girls! Come down here!

Lizzy: yes daddy

Gosey: hey daddy

Alaric: how is your head

Lizzy: it hurts a little

Jenna: here, let me

*Jenna massages Lizzy's head*

Lizzy: mmm this feels great

Gosey: I want too!

*Jenna smiles and massages Gosey's head as well*

Alaric: say thank you for aunt Jenna

Lizzy and Gosey: thanks aunty Jenna

Jenna: ooh you're both so cute

*At the compound*

Damon: that was a bust!

Bonnie: tell me about it

Damon: at least that means that Stefan got his memories back

*Damon's phone rings*

Damon: speaking of the devil

Stefan: hey Damon

Damon: Hey Stef, you feeling better?

Stefan: that means it hit you too

Damon: yup

Stefan: this is not awkward at all, I mean I still have feelings for Elena from spending 15 years with hear, strong feelings but I just got my feelings for Caroline who I'm married to too

Damon: nope not awkward at all that's a totally normal relationship

Stefan: does that means that Elena will remember those 15 years too when she wakes up?

Damon: I don't know if the spell on her prevents it

Stefan: I restored the shower by the way, why the hell and how did you manage to burn a bathroom? Where did you shower?

Damon: I didn't shower much, but I usually showered at Alaric's house

Stefan: he must really hate you for that

Damon: ooh you have no idea how annoyed he was by it

Stefan: alright I'll leave you now

Damon: alright buddy take care

*Caroline enters the room*

Caroline: Klaus is here!

Damon: this will be fun to watch, come Bon Bon

*They get out of the room*

Klaus: nice to see that you kept your word

Bonnie: I don't like to break my promises

Klaus: you sound like Elijah

Freya: speaking of, how are we going to get him here

Klaus: I took care of it sister

Kol: and how is that?

Klaus: a week ago he started playing piano at a classy restaurant in Paris

Rebecca entering the compound: so you kidnapped him!

Klaus: he required a lot of vampires to do it but yes

Kol: at least we won't have to wait anymore

Rebecca: yes a sky raining ice was bad enough for the city

Kol: not as creepy as the blood rain though sister

*Some vampires carrying Elijah unconscious come inside the compound*

Klaus: thank you for this favor mate

Marcel: I guess you wanted me here to un compel him with Vincent here right?

Klaus: yes

Freya: then let's start the spell

*Freya preforms the spell with Finn and takes the dark magic out of her siblings and puts it in the book*

Freya happily: it worked!!!

Rebecca: the whispers! They're gone!

*Elijah wakes up*

Elijah: where am I? What are you doing?

Marcel: relax

Elijah: you were the one who told me my name! You know me!

Marcel: I'm going to help you remember

Elijah: please! I I don't know where I was, I killed people, I was trying to control myself but I couldn't

*Finn preforms the spell to open Elijah's mind and then Marcel starts compelling him*

Marcel: you're going to remember your promise of always and forever, you will remember your family, and you'll remember why you asked to erase your memories

*Elijah starts to remember*

Hailey: Elijah?

*Elijah sees Gia*

Elijah: you're alive? How? And and Camille? What's going on?

Klaus: I'll fill you in, looks like Freya's spell didn't work on you because of the compulsion, but you haven't miss much brother

*An hour later*

Klaus: this calls for a celebration, get Hope here Hailey, this is a great news, and get our brother Finn out of the necklace to attend

Freya: this is Finn brother

Klaus shocked: got into Vincent body again I see, you like it?

Marcel: what? Why would you do that? Vincent is a friend!

*Davina gets inside the compound*

Kol: hello darling *he meets her with a kiss*

Davina: what are they arguing about?

Kol: Marcel is angry that Freya dropped Finn's soul into Vincent body

Davina: she did what!? Haven't she done enough! And how is Finn even alive, and ...

*Davina sees Camille*

Davina: Camille?! Oh my God you're alive!

Camille smiling: thanks to these people over there *she referred to Bonnie, Damon and Caroline*

Davina: how is that possible?! Can they revive people from the dead? Can they help me revive Tim?

Kol: your ex? You still have feelings for him?

Davina: he didn't deserve to die! I don't have feelings for him

Camille: no, they didn't know about him, it was a one shot thing but they revived many people

Davina disappointed: so they can't help him

Kol: you still want to revive him!

Davina: you need to control your temper!

Kol: I'm controlling it love, but raising an ex from the dead is a pretty huge deal sweetheart

Davina: you don't have to be jealous!

Damon: calm down every one! I know that you have personal issues but can you deal with them later?

Freya: thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate your help

Bonnie: I have one last gift to offer then I'll get my friends and leave

*Bonnie goes towards Rebecca*

Bonnie: I know you wanted the cure badly, *her eyes get filled with tears* this is the cure Klaus got from Enzo's body before Sails killed him

*Rebecca gets happy but feels pity for Bonnie*

Rebecca: I'm sorry for your loss

*Bonnie wipes her tears*

Bonnie: alright, it's time for us to go home

Freya: wait! You helped us to reunite the family again, gave Rebecca her wish to be human and we didn't offer you anything in return

Bonnie: you don't have to

Freya: I want to help you with your friend, the one with a sleeping spell

Bonnie: really?

*The sound of Davina fighting with Finn for taking over Vincent body*

Davina: you have done enough already! You don't get to ruin his life! You'll leave his body now!

Finn: I got killed because you trapped me in my body! You don't want to piss me off!

Davina: oh really!

*Davina uses magic to lift Finn in the air then smashes him into the wall*

Freya: Davina stop!

Davina: you'll ruin his life!

Elijah: we can solve this matter in a civil way, calm down

Marcel: you didn't use the civil way when you ripped my heart out then threw me off the bridge, or when you used Davina to kill Lucian

Kol: get over it already! Davina is alive again and look so are you!


*They all look at Caroline*

Caroline: thank you, let the past sins go, you're living in the present now, stop fighting already

Klaus smiling: I'm impressed love, you managed to make them shut up

Caroline: I'm not finished yet! You the girl in a blue dress!

Davina: me?

Caroline: I don't see anyone else here wearing blue, yes you! Stop fighting they just got back together, give them at least a day or so, this guy literally just came back from the dead! And you! The guy in a black shirt!

Marcel: aren't you a brave young vampire? You're barking orders why exactly?

Caroline: because you're all acting like a bunch of idiots! Grow up already you're adults for God's sake! I mean seriously! All this fighting is because he killed you once? Well get over it you're alive again!

*Klaus laughs*

Caroline: stop laughing it's not funny!

Klaus giggling: I know I know

Caroline: then stop laughing!

*Klaus hides his mouth with his hand*

Marcel: did Klaus just obeyed her?

Kol: miracles exist people

Damon to Bonnie: remind me not to piss Caroline off

Bonnie laughing: I should've recorded this

Caroline: now we were saying?

Klaus: we should throw a welcome home party

Caroline: I'll go shopping then

End of episode twenty two