Episode twenty five

Damon: he seems creepy

Bonnie: funny that you're the one to say it since you believed him the last time and sent him to me

Damon: I said I was sorry

Kai sobbing: I need to use the magic I syphoned from that guy, I'm sorry I was going to kill you

Freya: will he be like that?

Kol: no he'll get worse, the hex will grow inside of him and he'll suicide eventually, his emotions will be overwhelming especially the regret and guilt

Davina: he deserves it since he killed me!

Kol: it's okay darling, he won't be able to hurt you anymore

*Kai stops sobbing and talks normally*

Kai: let me just help you I can't live like this anymore

*Freya explains the steps to cheat the sleeping spell to use the loophole and he lifts the linking spell first*

Bonnie in joy: I can feel that I'm no longer linked to Elena

*Caroline comes in*

Caroline: really? That's great news!! I can't wait until she wakes up

Bonnie: when did you come? And why you haven't told me that you were coming?

Caroline: I can't miss my best friend's grand waking now can I? *Caroline said smiling*

Kai: can you let me out please so I can left the sleeping spell of her

*Kai talked avoiding any eye contact with Bonnie*

Damon: we're not dump to let you out, you can preform the spell from your cage

Kai: that's what I deserve yes,... But I need to be able to touch her

*Damon gets Elena carefully while holding her near to Kai*

*Kai preforms a spell*

Freya alerted: it's not the one I taught him to say!!!

*Damon snatches Elena away from Kai*

Kol: what the hell?

Freya: he linked his life to hers!

Damon: so we don't kill him!!!

Kol: how the hell did he managed to beat the hex?!

Kai: I'm a heretic dude, when you said that it's about emotions I just... Uh flipped my switch then syphoned the hex, it was tasty though

Freya: you'll unlink her now!

Caroline: the kids can syphon the linking spell it's still fresh!

*Freya examines Elena*

Freya: no he used the black magic of the hex, it'll be very harmful to them

Kai: let me out or I can just kill myself

Damon: you wouldn't dare!

Kai: I didn't say that it'll be just her and me!

*Kai preforms a spell which made fire rises from every where*

Kai: it'll be all of us!

*Kol tries to get Davina out of the fire but the fire was spelled*

Freya coughing: it'll kill all of us!

Bonnie: how do we stop it!

Freya: we'll have to kill him!

Bonnie: no it'll kill Elena too!

Freya: then that would kill us all including her!

*Bonnie remembers what the fortune teller told her about the tough choice she'll has to make and then sees the fire gets to Caroline and Damon and Caroline falls unconscious while Damon tries to pull her away from the fire*

*Bonnie's eyes gets filled up with tears and looks at Kol*

Bonnie crying: you do it! She's my best friend I can't kill her, Damon will never forgive me *sobbing* I'm sorry Elena! I'm so sorry

*Kol nods his head and crosses through the fire then stabs Elena in the heart*

*Kai drops dead, the fire stops, Bonnie sobbing louder and falls on the floor as her legs fail to hold her, Damon hurries towards Elena and Kai screaming at Kai with much pain in his eyes, Marcel gets Davina out of the place*

*Three years later*

*Bonnie meets with Kol*

Kol: hello darling

Bonnie: every time you say it I remember that I'm the reason that you broke up with your girlfriend

Kol: no you're not, Davina was adjusting to being a vampire, her emotions were hieghtend and her jealousy destroyed our relationship, I just hope that Goshwa treats her well

Bonnie: when did you say your brother's wedding on Camille was?

Kol: the next week love, I wish you bought that cute little dress, it looked stunning

Bonnie: I did, it looks even prettier on me

Kol: have Damon called you yet?

Bonnie: we're not back to normal but I guess we're doing great for now, at least he still speaks with me

Kol: I can't believe that Freya became his girlfriend I mean what does she sees in him?

Bonnie: you'd be surprised, Damon is a great guy

Kol: if you can see that I'm sure that I'll see it someday

Bonnie: where's Rebecca, I haven't heard from her since the last month

Kol: busy with her baby boy, she finally got her happy human life but I like to visit her often

Bonnie: babysitting much huh?

Kol: no I like to see her struggling with that annoying kid

*Bonnie laughs*

Bonnie: you're an idiot

Kol: I thought I have changed that thought of me! Hey don't you dare call me an idiot!

*Bonnie kisses him happily then gets up to leave*

Kol: where are you going?

Bonnie: tomorrow is Caroline's anniversary, if I didn't go with her to the spa she'll kill me, sorry best friend duty calls

*Bonnie leaves to go to the spa while Elena was watching over her happily that she finally got a happy ending*

End of episode twenty five

The end

(Note from the author)

First things first, I would like to thank you for reading my story, it's been pleasure 🖤 I know it's not perfect but it was improvisation after I finished watching the series, and I hated some characters so I intended to take something special from them, I had some characters acting out of character 🤦🏻‍♀️ so I apologise for that, and I hope you enjoyed 🖤🌸)