Warrick wasn't as much a loner as Shin and he usually would mingle with most of the classmates. Shin got to know from Warrick that even one of the girls Nari Heller, in the class was his classmate back in his former school, Kellinger middle. Shin asked him if his school is part of Kellinger high school. Warrick soon replied " No, it is not, they are named the same because they are in the same area and very close to each other. I can even show you where it is when returning home."
Nari Heller, the female that Warrick had told Shin about walked up to them while he was asking him about Shelja. Shin didn't fully answer his question because they were both interrupted by her. Warrick then introduced her to Shin.
"Hey Shin, how are you?" She slowly said this while bringing her hand for a handshake and clearly making eye contact with Shin.
"Am alright! Warrick has told me so much about you"
" Oh really, I hope it's only the good stuff he's told you" She said this with a smile on her face and then turned her face to Warrick and gave him an inquisitive stare.
Soon all 4 became really good friends and would occasionally hang out.
Shin soon came to learn from Warrick that Kellenger high had its fair share of hooligans, theft and in school fights with gangs in the school and outside too.
It wasn't long when Shin certainly noticed this even in his classroom. There were these shady classmates that were involved in fights and theft in the school.
Shin soon asked Warrick why he wasn't surprised this was happening.
"This was predominant at my middle school and I got used to it. I also stay in a similar place with these kinds of people in it and I have learnt through the years that it's better to befriend these kinds of people but with a slight distance so that you are not grouped in with them."
Shin soon came to learn quickly how effective what Warrick told him was when Bogry's calculator went missing or in other words stolen.
Warrick asked about it's disappearance from these classmates and they told him to go talk to Prezi, an upperclassman in form 3.
They all knew who this was because he had occasionally sold his products in their class and in other classes as well. Well his products were known to be of the stolen kind.