
In Sigardus's mind, Kira had sent him the image that she had received from Pandrea. It was of a strong, blonde-haired woman. She had a silver breastplate, greaves, and gauntlets engraved with the pattern of wings. The woman's helm and greaves each had a small pair of white wings coming from them.

Sigardus could distantly hear voices, but his connection with Kira was drowning them out. Soon, Sigardus could feel and hear a vibrating hum come from both Kira and him. As the humming between them intensified, he felt Kira begin to change. As the humming quieted, Sigardus felt a soft wind pass by him, and he opened his eyes.

Before Sigardus stood a little girl, blonde hair streaming out from under her winged helmet. She wore steel armor but looked a bit silly in it. She also carried a steel spear.

Finally, able to take his eye away from Kira, Sigardus looked around. It looked like an Alchemist has thrown a Roombreaker potion. Everyone had scrambled back to a safe place. Pandrea had turned like from some blinding light, while Liam and Tatania hid behind a table he had pushed over. Soon, two shapes hiding under the blankets began to rustle around, and then Dalphia flue from the bed.

"Pervert! Trying to suffocate me so you could defile my corpse," came Aquina's growling voice as she pulled the covers from her head.

"I was only trying to protect you, my," but Dalphia's voice trailed off.

She was already standing but turned towards Aqunia on the bed when she noticed Kira. Dalphia's body made a creepy mechanical turn toward Kira. Her face took on an overly friendly expression that reaches a stranger danger level.

Dalphia leapt to grab Kira while using a demonic voice, saying, "she's so fricken cute."

As she flew, Aquina jumped from the bed and dropped her elbow into the airborne Dalphia's back. Both hit the floor, with Aquina on top and Dalphia gasping underneath. Dalphia tried to reach out to Kira, but Aquina whacked her on the back of the head.

"Leave her alone, you old pervert. Kira just changed; let her enjoy this before you try to end her life via suffocation," Aquina explained while trying to restrain Dalphia.

Everyone started laughing at that point. Soon after, everyone tidied the room, and Dalphia tested Kira.

"Hmm, you have an exciting mind Pandrea. Steel Valkyrie," Dalphia spoke as she examined Kira.

"How do you do that?" Sigardus asked.

"You do it by focusing the same place you do when taking in Kira," explained Titania as she stepped forward.

"Once you have the feeling, focus on expanding from your center to the edge of your body. After that its a matter of expanding your EWaves to connect with their DWaves,"

"EWaves and DWaves? Do I not know anything? I'm supposed to be a researcher, but I don't seem to understand anything," mumbled Sigardus while rubbing his face. Kira pulled on his pants, and he looked down.

"It's fine. We aren't alone anymore. Aquina is older, but she is new too!" Kira smiled up at him. Sigardus noticed Aquina cross her arms with a "hmph," sounds.

"She's right, and I don't understand any of this either. We will learn together, you will see," Pandrea said, smiling while getting ahold of Aquina.

"That it! I've decided," Titania's small voice echoed in the room, and everyone turned to her. She walked up to Sigardus and struck a pose of some sort. With one tattooed hand on her hip and the other pointing to the ceiling, she continued.

"I will take you on as my apprentice and teach you everything I have learned over the last fifty years of my research!"

Everyone made a "wahh?" noise, but Liam. He was silent, with his hand on his chin deep in thought. Titania turned with an "I meant to tell you expression." She had her index fingers poking together in front of her nervously. Their eyes met, but Liam just smiled, and Titania's shoulders deflated in relief as she turned back to Sigardus with a new brighter smile. The tattoo's on her skin were alive with the rainbow, as colors danced across her markings.

"So? What will it be?" Titania asked.

"Yes! Thank you, master," Sigardus said while making a stiff and ridiculous bow, which made everyone laugh.

"No need for the master, Just Tita," Titania corrected as she turned back to Liam.

"Well, if you are all ready, why don't we all go eat, and then we can go to the training grounds for a short session," Dalphia asked everyone.

Everyone agreed, and they all headed down to the dining area.

After eating, they all headed deeper into the castle. Soon it began to get hotter the farther the group went in until they finally reached a massive cave. Stairs led down to an enormous flat island that lava surrounded. Yet the heat only seemed to come from the ground, though the rock.

Once finally down, they all noticed ten raised platforms spread around the outside edge of the island. When everyone was in the middle, the heat didn't seem as bad.

"All right, everyone is going to choose a stone, and then you will meditate. I know some of you know how to do this already, but this is still good training. While cultivating, Think of it as equipping your Partner, instead of transforming with them," Dalphia explained.

Everyone went to take their places, but Dalphia stopped Pandrea.

"Can you ask Calimus to sit this one out?" She asked Pandrea.

Before Pandrea could and answer, Calimus rose from her shadow. He turned to Dalphia and nodded with understanding. Turning, Calimus pawed up the stairs and lay at the entrance of the cave.

"Why did you want him to wait?" Pandrea asked.

"Calimus has more experience than all of us. You are new to all of this, and it won't help you if he helps you do everything," Dalphia explained to Pandrea as they walked over.

"You talk like you know him," Pandrea questioned as they sat down. The others had already found places and were sitting down.

"Later," Dalphia winked and continued. "Concentrate now and close your eyes."

Everyone's eyes closed, and then Dalphia spoke after five minutes.

"Now, you need to focus. This process is different than a normal transformation. You don't become one with each other like normal. Instead, the Shyfts work with you to help control their abilities, which would all become immensely difficult at higher levels. You all have positive connections with your Shyfts, so we don't have to worry about anyone losing control."

"Losing control? What do you mean?" Sigardus asked while trying to maintain control of his concentration, sweating a bit.

"I think she means the Shyft takes control and goes on a rampage. Calimus told me about it when talking about different types of Shyfts," Pandrea spoke cooly while maintaining perfect concentration.

"Exactly! After going out of control, only once they exhaust their energy can they be subdued. Some Shyft act out if their partner is not fit, during this process of 'Armashyft,' they can attempt to take control," Dalphia explained.

Suddenly, Dalphia glowed red, and fox ears and paws replaced her hands and ears. Then a long red fluffy tail popped up behind her. She even grew some glowing red fangs. Smiling, Dalphia popped up and asked, "who's next?"

Titania stood up and stretched her hands out to either side. Blue and green light streamed around her arms. A dagger formed in each hand, along with arm bracers of each color. Finally, blue wings and green goggles appeared.

"Very impressive," Dalphia congratulated with muted paw claps.

Next was Liam, who stood up and concentrated. Soon golden breastplate and wings formed. A sharp sword and shield followed them, end with a helmet that covered most of his face and blonde hair.

All that was left was Pandrea and Sigardus.

"You can do this," Pandrea whispered calmly. She was ready to attempt this, but Pandrea wanted to let Sigardus go first. He nodded his head and stood up, opening his eyes.

Soon shining steel gauntlets covered Sigardus's hands. Those were followed by breastplate and helm, which also came equipped with the wings. To finished it all off, a long steel lance appeared in his hands.

Pandrea's eyes were open now while she concentrated, and she was impressed with Sigardus's Armashyft. She also could vaguely now feel the other's power and elements. Pandrea went over to Sigardus and congratulated him.

"You look so cool! The male Valkyrie look suits you!" Pandrea exclaimed.

"I can't believe this. Kira and I are connected, but separate. I can't believe I've missed so much! It doesn't matter, though. I can't wait to learn more!" Cheered Sigardus.

Finally, it was Pandrea's turn. She found Aquina and made the connection and concentrated. Soon, Aquina became separate, and Pandrea felt ice cover her body in patches under her robe. The ice-covered her in a frosted dress and the robe fell off her. A small ice crystal orbited her head glowing. Pandrea felt like a Queen.

"Oh, wow," was all Sigardus could stammer out.

"He just in shock," Dalphia purred as she walked over. "This is very impressive for the first time. Even though you two are new to this, neither of you are stupid, and you pick on things fast. You can all try out the new forms, the more you use the energy, the more your partner will grow."

Sigardus began jumping very high, like some silver grasshopper. Both Liam and Titania went back to the rocks to sit and meditate while in Armashyft form. Pandrea was about to turn when she heard laughter coming from the cave entrance.

"Oh look its the common brats," sneered Prince Valkirius, but as he did, Calimus reach his head up and bit him on the ass. Valkirius scream like a small girl and then glared at Calimus. He had laid back down with his head in his paws. The Prince fumed as he stalked down the stairs.