Chapter 22

The sun was setting, and Arianne could not help but admire the view of the sun as it was not obscured by clouds or grey skies. She had seen its glory travelling from Winterfell to Harrenhal and then at Harrenhal when it wanted to be seen but never so close and so bright during sun set. Her window offered her a perfect view of the city below, though she had to admit she was envious of those who held rooms with verandas.

It seemed the return of the King spurred the city to celebrate. Though Nymella had whispered to her that it was more the Prince they celebrated for. She couldn't see exactly what was happening, but she got the idea of it.

"A city that never sleeps will one day weep," Alyse said. It was the first time that Arianne had heard her speak.

She turned to the girl who had been folding her clothes for some time now and frowned. "That's a cynical way to look at it."

Alyse shrugged, "if you are amazed by this stink hole, you should see Dorne."

"I'm sure I will one day. I hear it has flowers of all kinds."

"Flowers, wine, gold, men, we have all kinds of everything," Nymella scoffed, smiling to herself.

Penelope rolled her eyes, "you would know."

"There's nothing shameful in being proud of where you came from Penelope," Nymella said rolling her eyes.

Penelope rolled her eyes once more, put down the dress she was holding and ushered Alyse up. "We'll go and make sure the maids have your bath ready." She disappeared behind a door that Arianne didn't even know was in the room.

"Your private tea room for your private guests. It also has a bathing room inside of it," Nymella said before Arianne could ask any questions.

"It seems a little extravagant," Arianne said pursing her lips.

Nymella let out a snort. "This is the room reserved for special guests of the royal family. Wait until you see the room that Rhaegar has." Arianne looked at her lap feeling her face heat up. At the sight of her discomfort, Nymella reassured her.

"Nothing has happened. I am merely their guest until my father comes to take me home.," Arianne honestly responded.

Nymella sighed and sat down next to Arianne on the plush bed. Though they were similar in age, she felt she had more knowledge in the subject of love. "If you let him, Rhaegar will love you with all his heart."

"When he arrived, he said something that I did not quite understand nor like...he said that if I am to make decisions I am to ask him first."

Nymella shook her head. "You must understand, my lady. He has been educated to be the next King, gods be good, of Westeros. Though I'm sure it different in the North as it is in Dorne, future queens and brides to the Prince are usually seen as the property of the crown. Technically it isn't right you ask his permission before doing anything drastic as you aren't even courting yet but... I know it's not the most...enjoyable nor liberating thing to have to live with, but it's the way."

Arianne huffed, "it won't be the way if I have anything to say about it."

Nymella smiled, "I don't doubt it." She stood up and continued her task of delicately placing Arianne's minimal jewellery into the drawers of the vanity. "I knew you know," she piped.

"Knew what?" Arianne asked.

Nymella smirked and bit her bottom lip. "That you were Rhaegar's betrothed."

"I'm not his betrothed yet..."

"Not yet...but, you know when I was told he held a special female counterpart at the Tourney, I thought you were his mistress, not his betrothed. Though I should've known, he's not one to take mistresses or even whores." Her chattering seemed endless, she didn't even stop to draw a breath. "They said that at Harrenhal he would come to your room at night and you would disappear during the day. Oh and the idea of a Prince following your every move, sneaking away to your tent and protecting you in your carriage. Though perhaps the sight would have hurt Elia, after the great tragedy. But it's all very romantic, " Nymella smiled, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

Arianne looked at the girl, her mouth open in shock. "Who told you that!?" Nymella looked down at her feet, unsure of how to answer her question. Arianne raised a brow and stood from the four-poster bed. "Who is spreading lies about me Nymella? I demand to know."

"It was Lady Ashara Dayne. When we were waiting for you to return she told us-well she told me about what happened at Harrenhal and the way back," at Arianne's sudden burst of anger Nymella backtracked, "only to help me know how to best tend to you that's all."

Arianne scoffed. "Of course, she did."

Nymella, in her talkative nature, didn't let the awkward silence stop her from continuing her gossiping ramble. "I hear Stannis Baratheon will be taking his father's role of Hand, the poor old man must be too tired to continue following after the King."

Arianne groaned and sat back down. "Gods be good to him, I doubt it's an easy job."

"No, it isn't. His father, I presume, is to become the late Lord Baratheon. And with Stannis now a widow-"

"Widow?" Arianne frowned.

"His wife is said to have run away. There's no chance she's going back to gloom and doom Storms End unless she is dragged back," Nymella snorted. "So that will bring much joy to Tywin Lannister, no doubt. He has been looking for a husband for his daughter for years," she said.

"Why hasn't he been able to secure I wonder," Arianne questioned. "She's beautiful and comes with wealth and a name. Who wouldn't want that?"

"Apparently, well I say this with a lot of doubt, but apparently their mines are drying up. And with Tywin having rejected the Martell's many years ago no Dornish men will have her. Nor will the royal family, that's why Tywin left you know. Because the King absolutely refused to have his one and then only son married to a Lannister. He was waiting years for a girl, to continue the tradition. But the Queen did have a daughter, who died soon after she was born. I cannot be one to tell you of things I don't know too much on, it seems as if I am being unfaithful to my King and Queen." Nymella rambled, disallowing Arianne from cutting in at various moments.

"And he married his only heir to the closest Targaryen he could find," Arianne suggested.

"Of course, he did look for anyone with Targaryen ancestors in Essos. Sending Lord Steffon Baratheon to look for a girl deemed suitable, he couldn't find one of course. It had been rumoured though that if Lord Baratheon could fulfil the duty he would be named Hand of the King and Lord Tywin Lannister would be sent packing. But thankfully Daeron the second married Myriah Martell and his sister Daenerys married Moran Martell. Both political of course, Daeron to brush up what his ancestors couldn't do in a war. So, in a way, if the Martell - Targaryen marriage alliances were to continue, Dorne would eventually be swayed to join the seven kingdoms."

Arianne looked at her astonished. "You've given this much thought."

Nymella blushed and shrugged her shoulders. "There isn't much to do around here."

The door slammed shut and Penelope marched through, her heeled shoes hitting the ground hard. "I knew I should've left Alyse, Nymella tends to...gossip. Sorry my lady," Penelope said her eyes sending daggers towards Nymella.

Nymella sent a glare back to Penelope. "You didn't mind, did you, my lady?"

Arianne hid a snort behind her hand. "Of course not, I enjoy her constant pestering."

Penelope huffed and held her head high. "Well, I've come to tell you that your bath is ready. It's best to come in while it's hot. And then it's best you head to bed. You have an early rise tomorrow; his grace will be returning the Keep to its normal schedule."

"Schedule?" Arianne frowned as Penelope ushered her to stand up.

"A nightgown please Nymella."

"Oh, of course, your grace," Nymella muttered, giving Penelope the nightgown that was spread out on a plush seat.

Penelope proceeded to undress Arianne, removing the minimal jewellery she had worn fearing that they would have an audience upon entering, which had not been the case, and her cotton dress. "A schedule. For announcements, a chance for the simple folk to come into the courtroom and ask his grace for special considerations, trials, and for...executions," she whispered the last word as she covered her in a silk robe.

"Are they often?" Arianne asked biting her lip.

"Yes. That's why they're on the schedule," Penelope said back, her lips forming a thin line.

Their grim conversation was cut short by Nymella letting out squeals of excitement and wonder. "It's raining red!" She to gaze out of the windows.

Penelope rolled her eyes as Arianne moved to see what she was talking about, though out of curiosity followed her. She scoffed towards Nymella. "It's a comet, you child."

Arianne turned to Nymella as if to ask what's wrong with her? To which Nyemlla shrugged back. "Sorry, we aren't all practising the art of becoming a Maester." She scoffed back.

"What does it mean?" Arianne asked, looking at the red streak that stained the sky.

Penelope blinked towards her and turned away. "Come quickly now, your bath is getting cold. The comet will still be there come morning."


She was woken early the next morning, the curtains of her stained windows drawn back, and the fur covers that kept her warm at night were ripped from her body. Arianne blinked her eyes before fully opening them and let out a groan. She had been used to early wakes, but none this early.

"The King wishes to present you in court, my lady," Penelope quickly said. It seemed that even she hadn't gotten the chance to fully rise, for her hair was still in a tight knot at the top of her head, as opposed to the elaborate fashion she wore it in the day before.

"I thought you said he had a schedule?" Arianne frowned as she was pulled up from her bed and sat at her vanity.

Penelope nodded her head. "Yes. Usually, we don't know exactly what the schedule entails until the sun rises."

Arianne groaned once more as a brush was dragged through her hair violently. "Bottom to top please, we don't all have silky smooth hair."

"Sorry milady," the maid piped, following her instructions.

She watched in her vanity as Alyse and Penelope worked on finding her a suitable dress, how her breakfast was ushered in quickly on a tray and placed in front of her. How to two maids quickly made her bed neatly and scurried towards her. How they both searched through the drawers of the cabinet, pulled out oils and perfumes and began furiously spraying her with scents she hadn't known to have existed.

Once they had finished showering her with perfume, they worked on placing dark substance on her eyes, crushed and dried strawberries mixed with oil on her lips and a necklace on her neck. They both quickly pulled out sharp looking objects from their apron pockets and began tampering with her nails, adding a clear liquid to them after giving them a suitable shape and then moisturizing her hands with oil.

"This is a bit much isn't it?" Arianne frowned. She had gotten used to one maid and all that Oliva did for her was dress her, do her hair and bathe hair.

"Welcome to the Red Keep," Penelope huffed as she helped Arianne from her seat and took off her night robe. "This one?" She asked, presenting her with a red dress. A dress she had never seen before or even knew she owned.

"That's not mine," Arianne pointed out, looking at the dress intently. It looked like one of Lilia's older dresses.

Lilia. She thought to herself. The very same Lilia who had not answered any of the letters she had sent her while travelling from Harrenhal to Kingslanding.

"My lady, we really must hurry," Penelope urged shaking the dress in front of her.

Arianne shrugged her shoulders and held her hands above her head, the dress was lowered onto her and buttoned up at the back. She felt naked in it though. The silk had not been like the silk at Winterfell and moved like water. It covered her arms but allowed her necklace to be seen and dragged behind her. Obviously, it belonged to someone much taller.

Penelope noticed the fault. "You'll have dresses made soon enough." She said, handing her a soft shawl to go with it. Arianne was sat down once more, and her hair was quickly braided into a hairstyle she could not understand. Half of it was wrapped neatly at the middle of her head and the other half and been left with two braids at the side.

"Where's Nymella?" Arianne asked, noticing her favourite lady in waiting had not been present.

Penelope tutted. "She said you set her on a task that she could not return to you without fulfilling." Arianne frowned. Penelope shrugged her shoulders as she watched the maids finish her hair by placing a hairpiece at the top of it. She bent down and placed two jewelled sandals on the floor and Arianne quickly slipped them on.

"Now remember, the court doesn't know you're here or who you are. So whatever comments or looks may be sent your way, take them with pride. It is your position they are jealous of and their hateful words are only out of spite," Alyse smiled as Arianne stood up.

Arianne sighed and nodded her head. "How the gods have blessed me." She said smiling grimly.

"Graceful and hateful," Penelope whispered, more to herself than anyone else, as she opened the door and led them out of the room. Outside of her door stood two Kingsguard's, each clothed fully with their helmets tightly in place and right hands on their swords. Once she had walked out, they gave her respectful bows. "We're ready," Penelope announced. The shorter of the Kingsguard's led the way and Penelope ushered Arianne to follow him. Alyse and herself walking a few paces behind her and taller guard behind them.

The walk to the main hall was silent and long, the hallways had been empty. The only noise that could be heard either came from the waking birds outside, the heavy footsteps of the guards and the pitter patter made by the three ladies. Arianne didn't even have time to process her surroundings, to gaze outside to the gardens that circled the keep or even to look up at the candles and torches that had burnt through the night. After walking up what seemed to be a tedious number of steps set out in groups of three, they arrived at the large double doors.

The handles on the door were two black dragons, each knob intricate and different in its own special way. The Kingsguard in front of Arianne came to a halt, knocked on the doors and they were pulled open from inside.

Court had already begun, with Aerys sprawled across the Iron Throne. Arianne could not help but feel her heart sink to the pit of her stomach. She had concluded there would be many people there, but for the time of day, it had been, not that many.

They filled the floor, separated in two and allowing for a walkway to form between them. Above them, beside the skeletons of dragon's heads and limbs, stood more people. Arianne thought it best to keep her gazing at a minimal, she would get to see the Great Hall another time, properly, preferably when it was empty and didn't have the King seated at the head table.

Though she did take a quick glance at the table before many had noticed her arrival, Elia had not been present. With only Rhaegar and the Queen stood at the King's side. And of course, a party of Kingsguard's protecting them. Behind them, Arianne had guessed to be the small council, a tall man with dark hair stood next to a shorter, much more plumper man who had not a hair on his head and a maester who seemed a little too young to be in practice. They almost looked like statues.

The many nobles that stood and sat hushed, clinging onto the King's every word, turned to see who had entered.

"Ah!" Aerys clapped, letting out gleeful cackles. "May I present to you all, the lovely Arianne Sand. My good friend, Lord Rickard Stark's bastard daughter." Arianne curtseyed low and stood back up, holding her head high. Whispers overtook the room, and Arianne tried her hardest not to listen to any of them. Though the ones she did catch consisted of too young or barely walking. Aerys cleared his throat and the room fell silent.

"Come, Arianne," Rhaella mused holding her hand out to her. Arianne turned to Penelope and Alyse, both, however, seemed to have stayed behind the large double doors. She silently shuffled up the steps and to the queen. "We must watch what we do and say very carefully now." She whispered into her ear.

"Is she not a wonder?" Aerys smiled, looking to Arianne. Arianne bowed her head respectfully and thanked him.

"Your grace, many questions will be asked by your enemies," the bald man stated, kneeling to be eye level with the king. Aerys looked at him wearily. "Where does she come from? Who are her parents? She is a bastard, you cannot allow a bastard to marry your heir."

"Varys," the king whispered, his next words inaudible. Varys' eyes widened at the king's words, he nodded his head, stood up, tied his hands together and shuffled back to his original position. "Shall we bring in the merchants?" The king continued court, oblivious to the crowds' unrest. Tywin Lannister, where are you when we need you? Rhaella thought to herself watching them silently.

Arianne could not help but wonder if she would have to be present every day now at court, and if so, if it would be as tedious as this one proved to be. With various merchants coming in to beg the king of leniency when it came to paying taxes and fees on trades. Something the king seemed adamant on keeping a high price.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned to see who was responsible for it. Rhaegar. He stood behind her smiling reassuringly, and when she was unaware snuck his hand onto hers. "They will adore you." He whispered to her.

Arianne did not dare to look at him, afraid the many eyes watching her would have yet another thing to speak ill of. "I highly doubt that," she whispered back.

"They are not displeased, if they were you would truly know," he pointed out. He had been right, they didn't seem too angry, confused was a better word. "I'll show you our private gardens after this."

Arianne smiled to herself softly. "We will finally cease our sneaking around I presume?"

She felt him let out a laugh behind her. "Obviously we won't have to. And then I can truly show my affections towards you." Arianne felt her face turn red. "I can truly let myself fall in love with you. Arianne Sand ... my guest."