Chapter 34


Lyanna grunted, swinging at the now battered tree in front of her. She had let her frustrations out once more on one of the ancient trees that were dotted around their campfield. Her father had suggested that their wedding take place later rather than sooner, fearing losing two daughters in a short span. Besides, she was not yet ready to leave her family.

Her spirits had been lifted ever since she had heard the news, thinking the hasty plans for her wedding were just that, far too hasty. Besides, had she gone to Storms End, she would have no companions, other than Robert and his little brother Renly.

Robert and she hadn't spoken properly since Riverrun, only small pleasant chatter when they were with the company, but when they had been left alone, it was complete and utter silence. There was nothing to say, especially since their awkward encounter the night he had stumbled to her door drunk out of his mind.

He's only a boy. Lyanna thought to herself. I can talk to him! It'd be like playing castles and princess again, only this time with real people and real gold and oh god..real babies! She threw her sword to the ground in fright, her thoughts refusing to leave her mind.

"Something on your mind?" Robert's familiar voice called from behind her.

Lyanna jumped in fright, fumbled to pick up her sword and turned around. No one. It was as if she had thought up the pompous accent herself. "Robert?" she frowned squinting into the night.

"What're you doing?" He asked as if he were a ghost he appeared behind her, his voice sending warm chills through her spine.

"Practising for the revolution of a lifetime?" She responded jokingly, holding her sword to his abdomen.

Robert clicked his tongue. "Revolution?"

"Aye, the revolution of all swordmaiden's in Westeros."

Robert chuckled and pushed her sword away. "How could I forget."

She looked down at his attire, he was in his nightwear. "How flattering."

Robert felt his ears heat up in embarrassment, covering himself with his robe he crossed his arms over his buff chest. "Lyanna, I wanted to apologise for the night at Riverrun. It was wrong of me to come to you drunk and I ... I shouldn't have done it."

Lyanna nodded her head, holding her sword behind her back. "Good. You should be."

Robert's eyes gleamed with mischief as he looked at her, "want to wander around?"

Lyanna shrugged her shoulders, unwilling to take on board a word he had said. "I have more important matters to deal with," she said, walking back up the steep rocky hill to the castle.

She had left him flabbergasted. "Oh...okay. Well, I'll leave you to it."

"Whatever happened to fighting for the hand of your maiden?" Lyanna said, her tone changing from snappy to playful.

Almost as if he were a stag himself, his ears perked up and his bright blue eyes shone as the distantly lit fires caught their spark. He took her hand in his and led her back towards the campsite.

She pulled him back gently. "What is there to explore there?" Lyanna coaxed, not wanting the eyes of those still awake on them. It was a compromising position as well. Walking into the campsite with her betrothed hand in hand? I'd rather wash my own eyeballs.

Robert tutted, "trust me. You do trust me do you not?"

Lyanna groaned and nodded, indicating for him to lead the way. They walked through the silent and almost empty campsite briskly and stopped at the end of the tents that had been set up.

"We could have just gone around!" Lyanna exclaimed, confused by his actions.

Robert bought his index finger to his lips and mentioned for her to turn around. "And arouse the suspicion of the guards? No thank you." Tugging her along he stopped at an opening, not too far from the site but far enough that it was so dimly lit she couldn't even make out where one tree ended and another started.

There was a short silence and Robert let her hand go. "I don't understand ... what am I looking at?" He took her head between his hands and moved it to the direction of a small shimmering small lake. Lyanna shook her head. "No way, it'll be freezing!"

The words hadn't even left her mouth, Robert was already halfway undressed and throwing himself into the body of water. Coming up to the surface he shook the water from his eyes, "whatever happened to the Lyanna I met at the Tourney?" He teased.

Lyanna looked at him daringly, glanced behind her shoulder and indicated for him to turn around. Robert shrugged his shoulders and did as he was told, turning his back to her as she undressed. She took the heavy dress the wore off and its undergarment, understanding why it was necessary to have someone help you as she wriggled out of them both. Following in Robert's steps she ran into the freezing cold water, shivering as she did so.

"That wasn't so hard was it!?" Robert asked, turning back to her as she sunk into the water to cover herself.

Lyanna held her tongue for a while, the cold water sending shivers all over her body. "It was ... fine."

Robert snickered at her discomfort, "you are the one from the North, no?"

Lyanna pushed the flowing water onto him, a bad decision as all it did was wash his face. Robert turned as the water hit the side of his face and neck, blinking a few times. "Robert no, wait," Lyanna protested, knowing exactly what he planned to do. "Wait, I'm still angry at you! Please!" Trying to move through the water was futile, he had already placed his hands on the top of her head.

"Pray to your gods," he pushed her head down under the water. Lyanna's muffled screams going unheard from above water and coming out as bubbles. He let go and laughed at the state she was in when she resurfaced.

Lyanna rubbed her eyes vigorously, "you are evil Robert Baratheon."

For a moment too long Robert looked at Lyanna's chest, her undergarment doing very little to cover her, but turned away as soon as he had caught her eye.

"You did that on purpose!"

Robert held his hands by his side in surrender, "I've seen more tits than a prince with wet nurses, I swear I didn't!" Lyanna let out an exaggerated sigh and there was movement from her side of the lake. "Are you leaving?" Robert asked, perking his head to the side a little.

Lyanna scoffed and crouched down, her lips meeting the water. "No." She gurgled. "I am not leaving."

Robert turned to face her, "good."

There was a movement behind them, with twigs snapping and bushes being brushed aside. "Lyanna!" It was Brandon.

"Fuck," Robert whispered, backing into the further part of the lake and pulling Lyanna back with him. Lyanna felt her eyes go wide as she let herself be pulled back.

"It was probably just a whore and a drunk man my lord," another voice came.

Brandon tutted. "No, I know my sister's voice." He walked further into the murky floor and stepped on something soft. A dress. Picking it up, Brandon took a long look at it. He winced his eyes into the lake and called out for his sister again. "Lyanna?"

"Do you think she's drowned?" The same voice came again.

"In a lake that comes to the knees, I highly doubt that," Lyanna's voice came from the lake.

Robert jumped back a little, surprised she was actually in the lake. "Lyanna? What ... what are you doing?"

"Hunting, what does it look like I'm doing?" She snapped back.

"Why were you screaming?" Brandon queered, looking into the lake intently as if to look for someone else.

Lyanna groaned, rolling her eyes. "Who wouldn't scream with a brother like you."

Brandon scoffed and kicked moss at his sister. "Grow up Lyanna."

"Because that was so mature," Lyanna replied, wiping the moss from her cheeks. Brandon disappeared back into the bushes and to the camp, followed by the clueless guard he had brought along with him.

Robert's deep chuckle came from behind her. "You took a moss face for me?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"For you?" Lyanna scoffed, unwrapping his arms and moving away from him. "You've forgotten my father's here."

Robert sighed, "how could I?" he asked, ducking his head under the water.