
First of many [R-18]

7 years ago..

She was his present, Ryunjin.

Ryunjin walked into the Min Yun Ki's chamber dressed in pink.

She had pearls adorning her neckline and light brown hair made into a tight bun, when she stood before him, at the foot of his bed.

Her eyes were almond orbed raisins.

She had an auspicious nose, as per his late grandmother's prophecy and her skin would glow in golden glory.

Yun Ki was stood before her, dressed in all white.

His ash locks had been let loose such that they caressed over the white linen.

His hands were cold and clammy as they fiddled with the hem of his jeorgori.

The golden mask he had on was heating his face and if removed, would be coated with a layer of his sweat.

Ryunjin reminded Yun Ki of a peacock.

Elegant, poised and a treat to look at.

Her long milky neck was calling out to Yun Ki.

"Your Majesty, they call me Ryunjin. It's a pleasure serving you." Ryunjin speaks, bowing her head and Yun Ki glances at the red plaid hairpin that sits atop her head at the conjunction of her bun and scalp.

"Ryunjin." Yun Ki bows in response.

"Unbending and mighty. That's a beautiful name." He says and Ryunjin blushes.

She hadn't been complemented by a man, all her life.

"You're far too kind, Sire. I hope you will treat me well!" She greets, enthusiastically.

"A-Actually, I don't know whether Minister Choi told you this b-but, I'm absolutely inexperienced." Yun Ki swallows.

Ryunjin nods in response.

"I'm aware, Your Majesty. It will be a matter of pride for me to be able to help you in this journey."

Ryunjin guides Yun Ki's shaky hands over the strings of her Hanbok blouse.

"You may disrobe me, sir." She insists.

Yun Ki bites on the insides of his cheek, watching a beautiful woman asking him to strip her of her modesty.

With unsure hands, he unties the rope, allowing the two ends of the blouse to part over her chest, revealing the golden honey skin that rests behind her linen.

His heart is hammering in his chest as he hold onto the fragments that rest over her chest, hiding her breasts but allowing Yun Ki to see an outline through the untied areas.

He's hesitant.

It's as though he's robbing something that wasn't his.

Ryunjin grasps his wrists, reassuringly.

"You needn't be scared. I'll help you, every step of the way." She says, removing the blouse and dropping it off of her sleeves to the carpeted floor.

Yun Ki's eyes go wide.

His orbs dilate in appreciation and his hands clench inwards, leaving marks on his own palm.

His mouth parts, running dry.

Ryunjin stands before him, topless and bare.

Her lower body is covered with a long skirt.

She intertwines her fingers with Yun Ki's and squeezes his hand, to give him a green signal.

Untangling her hands from his she brings his hand to rest over her bare breast.

His hand lies heavy over it.

It's so cold from the anxiety and anticipation, it's caused her nipples to harden underneath his touch and something in him changes as he feels the peaks harden to beads and poke his skin.

He pulls away, poking a nipple with the pad of his index finger, causing Ryunjin to let out a strained moan.

She smiles at his action, grasping his arm.

Testing waters, he tugs at the hard buds with his pointer and thumb, rolling it between his fingers.

This causes Ryunjin's grasp of Yun Ki's bicep to increase.

"G-Good, Yun Ki-ssi..P-put your mouth on it and f-flick it with your tongue." She instructs, electricity running past her body at the tugs Yun Ki was delivering to her nubs.

Yun Ki sits on the foot of the bed, such that his head is levelled with her breasts and he leans in, mouth engulfing the breast and tongue circling the tight bundle of nerves causing Ryunjin to grasp onto the back of Yun Ki's head pulling him closer to her mounds, his loose strands tickling her naked torso adding to the sensation that has her body bending over his head.

"Mmhm..perfect..Majesty was made for this." She cries out, eyes glossy and the hold over his ash locks tightening as she smothers his face into her flesh.

Yun Ki is grasping onto her waist, struggling to hold her convulsing body in place, against his mouth that suckled onto the pink peaks decorating her fleshy mounds.

Shluck-shluck, the sounds of his untrained tongue and flesh on flesh ring through his heated room and he retrieves the sensitive nipple, with a lewd pop, spit dribbling down her pale breasts as her neck is flexed.

Yun Ki raises himself, pulling Ryunjin into an embrace, lips dropping wet kisses along her enchanting neckline as she moans into his ear, licking at the shell of his outer ear.

"B-Bite me, Your Majesty." Ryunjin cries out, rubbing her lower body against Yun Ki's lower.

Yun Ki is incredibly hard and rutting against Ryunjin's body is giving him the kind of relief he received when he applied the palm of his hand against the tip of his engorged member, when he saw the maidservants bathing as a child.

Yun Ki breaks the embrace, removing his white jeorgori and discarding it at the foot of his bed, desperate for Ryunjin's unclothed chest rubbing against his own.

The ripples of his well-defined sweaty pecs rub against her breasts, hard nipples rubbing against his skin as he squeezes the flesh coating her wide hips.

Ryunjin plants desperate kisses down Yun Ki's body, nails scratching his torso down to his navel.

"I was made" *kiss* "For" *kiss* "The Majesty" *kiss*

Ryunjin mumbles as she works her way south.

It was on this day that Yun Ki lost a part of himself to Ryunjin.

Guiding him every step of the way, she walked him along a tortuous path, rather effortlessly.

Yun Ki thought the vessels in his cranium would blow out from the intense satisfaction he was receiving, with his erect member snug against her warm and velvety walls as she bounced in his lap.

This was the first day and Ryunjin had left Yun Ki intoxicated.

Intoxicated for her and bodily pleasure.

Nothing could top the exhilarating feeling he felt whilst he was inside her.

What started as a one day fiasco, continued for days and months.

Yun Ki was exploring his body.

He was learning the tricks and trades to a woman's body.

He'd find Ryunjin's hairpin pushed under his bed or under the thick curtains in his chamber and he'd kept multicolour hairpins as souvenirs, a box full of them now.

Yun Ki was addicted to Ryunjin.

Her body, her voice when she was overwhelmed and the pleasure she could give him in mere minutes.

That's until Ryunjin started believing she was an individual who governed what Yun Ki did to her.

Nothing angered Yun Ki more that not being able to finish inside her and after being denied that pleasure, he took matters into his own hands and drilled into her, emptying himself and it was a feeling that both Ryunjin and Yun Ki were foreign to.

Minister Choi was right.

There was no bigger or better drug than a woman.

Yun Ki was evolving, he ordered The Chief to recruit groups of young beautiful women from Baekmin, in exchange for a monthly 2 gold coin revenue.

He loved the euphoric faces the women's faces would twist into and the way they whimpered under him, begging for more.

Things changed when Ryunjin conceived a child after one too many messy nights.

The King's child.

Ryunjin changed after Yun Ki made sure her womb was rendered barren for life.