
Summoning Bohoja.

The Chief Guard sets foot into The Capitol, amidst raging skies and a thunderous storm that has seized the skies of Baekmin.

The sun has long set and the Guard is in his carriage, grasping the reigns over the horse to trod faster.

He's headed to Bohoja's humble abode, the man living in the most meagre situations, gold stuffed under his mattress and pillows.

The Chief Guard tuts as goosebumps cover his forearms from the cool breeze that was flowing and filling his carriage with rain water.

He'd have to borrow a change of clothes from the man he was being sent to summon and would even need to sit out, until the monstrous storm comes to a halt.

In his mind, he was cursing King Lee Min Hyuk.

The man was rather a tool.

He had no sense of timing and threatening Soojin early on in their plan was a stupid move.

Bohoja would be rather furious, the Guard thinks.

Soon enough, he reaches outside the dimly lit cottage Bohoja had rented out from a sage.

It wasn't decent, in the least.

The top of the cottage was constructed of mud and tin foil.

The door was a rather thin wafer width oakwood.

The Chief Guard ties his carriage to the pole opposite Bohoja's house, climbing out to find himself drenched in rain.

"Just my luck!" He mutters, irritatedly.

Baekmin had been blessed with ample amount of rain post The Lunar Harvest Festival.

The farmers had even sent in bags of rice to The Palace, to thank Soojin, who'd proved to be the lucky charm.

The Chief Guard runs into the verandah of Bohoja's humble home to save himself form the downpour.

He wrings off the droplets from his cotton sleeves, ruffling his hair that had set to his head as though they were glued.

He steps towards his door, ready to rapt the wooden door, calling out for him but is interrupted by low muffled sounds.

He wasn't alone.

There was someone with him.

The Guard pins his ear to the door, in order to hear better taking into consideration, the sounds the thunderous clouds made.

What he doesn't expect to hear are disgruntled moans.

High pitched whiny moans from a woman.

What accompanies the whines are the sounds of naked skin on skin and sloppy wet kisses being delivered.

The creaks of the bed are reverberating in a rhythmic manner and the intrusive Chief can't help but peer open the door until it's a narrow slit open.

He watches Bohoja, stark naked and attached to a woman that he has pinned on her back as her black disheveled mane is scattered messily across the mattress, her sharp nails dig into his sweaty glistening back, creating crescent shaped indents.

He's huffing loudly as he's pounding into her, his own face snug into her neck.

The woman's legs are wrapped around his hip, thighs shaking with every powerful thrust, her face scrunched up in pleasure.

"M-More.. Give me m-more.." She cries into his ear as he increases his pace, hands nestled in her hair, tugging on her scalp.

"You want more, you'll get m-more.." He exhales, detaching himself from her neck, hands trailing to her exposed mounds, squeezing the flesh there, her breasts spilling out from his grasp as she clenches around him in pleasure.

"I-I want to marry y-you.." The girl cries, planting kisses down his strained neck as he flexes his neck, focusing on hitting his peak.

He grabs her neck, moving his hips around her, watching as her eyes roll back to her head in euphoric pleasure.

He removes himself from her, jerking his member, finishing over her breasts and stomach, white streaks coating her feverish body.

Bohoja looks back as he hears a creak, causing The Chief Guard to hide behind the door, hands clasped together.

Until, footsteps are heard advancing towards him.

"Ah, Chief Guard! Are you done feasting your eyes?" The voice comments, causing The Guard to face him in guilt.

"S-Sorry, Sir. I didn't see anything..I-I just arrived, really!" The Guard defends his actions.

"I heard your carriage being tied 10 minutes ago." Bohoja comments, tightening the strings of the loose robe he wore on hurriedly, his pale chest with fresh rouge nail marks and scratches, visible.

The Chief Guard's eyes marvel over the marks that adorn Bohoja's form until two snaps bring him out of the heated scene he'd just witnessed.

"Why are you here?" He asks.

The Guard composes himself, wiping a trickle of sweat that was rolling down his forehead.

"The Queen Consort has summoned you.." The Guard responds, causing Bohoja to roll his eyes, irritatedly.

"Ssibal.." He mutters under his breath, clenching his teeth and looking behind to watch the woman he was intimate with, hide from the uncalled guest.

He looks back at the Chief Guard, brows bunched and figure hiding the unclothed girl from the Guard who was trying to peer at her from his position at the foot of the door.

"Why does she need me at this time?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"The King of Silkim, Lee Min Hyuk, has opened his mouth before her at the Royal Horse Race, today. He's told her that he knows about the two of you..She's extremely worried." The Guard reports.

Bohoja massages his temples, worriedly.

"That idiot. I knew it was a mistake telling him my plan of action. He could't digest the fact that someone's trusted him with a secret. Bloody fool! I should've known better, honestly… Soojin's far denser, however. She'd probably give it away with her expressions that something's wrong or even worse, she'll go tell that imbecile Yun Ki that she's committed a crime."

"You're right, Sire. Soojin isn't any far wiser, considering how she showed up at The Guardsmen Chamber this afternoon. She's far impulsive." The Guard adds, nodding.

"The love angle has complicated everything but it had to be done. Women think from their hearts, after all. They need to be swayed by acts of love and devotion. Their brain stops working once charms of pheromones enter their bodies. Agh, I should've known better.." Bohoja utters in frustration, seething through his teeth, in a hushed tone.

"By the way, Sir, who's the woman you were with earlier?" The Guard asks in a hushed tone.

"She's the daughter of The Merchant I work for. She also happens to be my fiancé." He responds, winking.

The Guard thinks for a minute or two, confusion clouding him.

"S-So, what will you do once you become King? Won't Soojin be your Queen? That's the assumption she's living in..If that's not going to happen, what will you do with her, Future Crowned Head?"

Bohoja's face scrunches up in a wicked smile.

He places a hand on The Chief Guard's damped shoulder, leaning in close to his ear.

"I'll kill her, no doubt about that." He whispers, a devious laugh breaking past both their lips as The Heavens grapple in unrestrained fury.