
The Beginning.


"W-What do you want in return?" She asks, composing herself.

A deal was being processed. 

The ends of Yong Sun's lips curl in a mischievous smile. 

He connects their foreheads, watching her eyes. 

"Areum-ah, I want Soojin..that's all I want.." He breathes out. 


"Y-You're insane..insane to believe that I will help you.." Areum mumbles, shuffling to get to her feet. 

Yong Sun watches her rise, only to watch her advance towards the exit of the room. 

"Aish..and here I was thinking you loved Yun Ki with all in you..Alas, I'll have to get through him first before I lay my hands on Soojin. I guess he too will have the same consequence as our dear Mother.." He mutters, through clenched teeth, watching Areum turn in her steps, hastily. 

"What?" She asks, almost as though she'd missed what he'd said.