Tale 3: Peace

I open my eyes ... by the light that comes from the windows, I realize that it is day already. I woke up in peace and with immense happiness. Tears were streaming down my face and wetted the pillow. Forgiveness had been born in my chest. For everyone. And it was so big it seemed to overflow from me.

I remembered the sorrow I had felt for years, and now it had disappeared like magic. That sorrow, which looked like a dark little ball kept in the chest, disintegrated, and instead, forgiveness flourished. I felt my spirit healed.

I forgave my mother: she married and left, leaving me without food. I forgave my ex-husband for the harassments, and my father: his mistreatment made me afraid even of the noise of his footsteps.

I wiped away my tears in the sheet. I wish I could look into my father's eyes, hug him, and reconcile me. But how, if he has already died? Then I make a prayer: "God, I wanted to apologize to my father, but he is no longer here. Let then, Lord, let an angel deliver this message to him:

"Dad, forgive me for having kept so much sorrow from you and for so long. Forgive me, dad! ".

I cried. I longed for your forgiveness from the bottom of my soul.

The weekend came and I visited my mother:

- Mom, guess who did I forgive?

- You've forgiven your father, haven't you? – She asked me, her eyes filled with tears.

- Yes, I prayed and asked for forgiveness. – I said excitedly.

- The Lord has said that your request has reached the other side, and from there, forgiveness has come to you! Stay in peace! - And she continued. - He was not resting because of this. Now he is also in peace!

- Mom, I also wanted to apologize to you, I have grieved you, that's why I went away for all these years. I blamed you for everything that had happened after you left home.

- I forgive you, and I apologize for everything I did and that upset you. I didn't mean it. I did not know I was hurting you.

- You're forgiven, mom!

We hugged each other with love. This was one of the most touching moments of my life!

I thanked God for the chance of forgiving and being forgiven, and to know that forgiveness can flow between the world of the living and the dead! Let there be peace for all!