
Tale 26: The revenge

Once again, I fell out with Andre. He purposely stopped working on some projects, causing a series of problems in the company. It was a morning of heated discussions!

At night, while praying, I had a vision... An entity with a gray robe and hood. The hood covered its face and it carried a noose at chest level. "They did something, how fast!" I thought stunned.

It approaches me quickly, trying to grab my neck with the rope.

"The blood of Jesus has power! "The blood of Jesus has power!

I repeat it several times because the entities hate that phrase. Then it walks away. I look at it in a boastful way and say:

"I belong to Jesus and you can't touch me, haven't you noticed yet? "

Again, it comes with the noose towards me. I pray:

"Lord Jesus! Look after me! I humbly ask you to send your angels to fight for me and send away all evil! Break every word of curse that has been thrown at me! Cut off every death loop, break every contrary word! May all evil come out now, in the name of Jesus! "

The entity stops in front of me. There is a fight on the spiritual plane.

"You will not stay here, there is nothing you can do! You will now return where you came from! Carry this noose back to whoever sent it! Jesus covers me with your blood, blood shed on the Cross for our liberation! Angels, save me, please! "

It disappears.

The enemy doesn't usually give up at first, but I am dressed in spiritual armor and Jesus sent angels to guard me, one more time!

A month later ... Andre's arguments continue!

One day, I went to the mall to buy a toy for Luigi. I was walking, looking at the windows, finally spending a little time to relax.

- They sent something! This time they went downtown! They paid for it! - warns the angel.

He shows me the image of Andre and another man.

- It's coming strong! - he shouts.

I begin to softly recite the "Lord's Prayer". I see thousands of evil entities coming across the sky in Roman chariots ...

It was an army that arrived with great fury and speed! The entities tugged on the reins several times so that the horses accelerated; the gray tunic sleeves fluttered in the wind.

- Go home now! - he screams again.

My blood pressure drops suddenly, it feels like I'm going to pass out.

- Angel, I need to eat! I'm not feeling well. - I speak weakened.

My vision begins to blur, I stop a little and put my hand on the wall, taking a deep breath.

- God, help me! - I cry.

I keep walking until I come to a restaurant; I have a quick lunch and drive home. I see, with my mind, a great battle going on. Thousands of angels came to fight the entities. Swords were meeting hard and shields were quickly cutting through the air! The great fury came from both sides!

- You need to go home and stay safe while the battle takes place! - warns the angel.

I sing and pray. I park the car in the garage and when I put the key in the lock, I have a vision ... An entity hovering away and looking at me with hate. I quickly enter the house:

- I arrived, thank you, God!

I close the door and run to the bedroom, kneel and read "Psalm 18":

I will love you, O Lord, my strength.

... I will call on the name of the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I will be free from my enemies.

Death sadness surrounded me, and torrents of wickedness haunted me.

The sorrows of hell overwhelmed me, the bonds of death surprised me.

In anguish I called on the Lord, and cried out to my God; he heard my voice from his temple; my cry came before his face. [...]

He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.

- God, protect me and my family! - I humbly ask.

I have another vision... A skeleton head quickly comes towards me.

"They did something for my death! " - I think.

It comes and goes, comes and goes, like a ball hitting a glass. It tries hard, but It can't get to me.

"God, strengthen my protection! Jesus, I ask once more for your mercy, send your angels to protect us! Thank you for everything! I love you!"

I won't be leaving home today, I will be concentrated and praying. Later, I see that the battle has dissipated. My mom calls and tells me what happened. She prays and the angel of God speaks through her:

- That was real! We fought and we are still fighting so that no residue is left! You are more than a winner in Christ!

- Mom, I don't know what I did to deserve such zeal. - I speak emotionally.

- You got closer to God and God takes care of his children! You have gratitude in your heart! Angels love you very much, Ana!

- Thank you, God!

- You have a wonderful gift!

- You too, mom! You talk to God!

- But not like that. You're a warrior! A warrior of God!

I cry with joy for another victory of the angels.

- Thank you, mom. God bless you. I love you!

- God bless you. Love you too.

"Because you will light my lamp; the Lord my God will illuminate my darkness.

Because with you I entered through a troop, with my God I jumped a wall.

As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him."

Psalm 18