
Tale 37: End.

Hi, how are you? I'm going to solve some problems at the office in town. I would like to see you if you don't mind.

- Hi, you're not coming to see me, you're coming to work, and you want a bed to sleep on.

- If you think so... - he says.

- I won't argue. - I deny, feeling annoyed, because I'm tired of him.

From then on, we chatted from time to time. After a month, I write:

- And how were the meetings today?

- They were alright, I only had to go to one more.

- And were you able to solve everything you needed?

- I think so. I'm near you...

- Don't welcome him! - screams the angel and continues. – He's contaminated!

I write "laughs (lol)" for him and don't call him.

After that, you never spoke to me again; I think you got upset? I'm curious to know how this story will end:

- Hi, Thor, what are you doing? – I write, five days later.

- I've been on vacation for six hours. I came to meet some friends. Let's have lunch and watch the game.

- Wow... when it comes to seeing your friend, you're not interested...

- The other day I said I was close to you, and you just laughed.

- You didn't say you could see me, just that you were around. I thought you would go away. So many times, you come, and we don't even have coffee, like now, for example.

- I haven't come so often. And I also suggested seeing you when I went to work, and you said you didn't want it that way. That's why I didn't get upset. This year, it's the first time I've come to do something personal; don't feel you are not important.

- I don't feel that at all. I don't matter to you.

- I won't argue.

- I'm not arguing. I'm sharing what I think it is true. And I don't even have to argue...

It looks like this relationship is over. I'm pissed off at your lack of interest. I don't need this. I'm going to delete you from my cell phone, I don't want to see your photo anymore. Three days later, he sends me a message...

- Hi, Ana, how are you? Merry Christmas!

- Merry Christmas! - I answer in surprise.

- I miss you a lot... I'll be back on the sixth and I want to see you. I would like to spend a few days with you...

- Yes, come, I miss you. I would love staying with you! – I reply, pretty sure he's not coming.

We exchanged messages, in a friendly and warm way, every day until the third of January. After that, we never talked again. We didn't even say goodbye. With a pain in my heart, I delete his contact from my cell one more time.

I spent days of sadness, homesickness, introspection. He left, I don't know why, I just know that I'll have months of solitude ahead of me...

A few weeks later... I meet my mother at the mall:

- Shall we have something to eat? I am very hungry! – I ask.

- Yes. I'm not hungry, but I'm going to eat a bit.

We went to the food court:

- He invited himself to come; we talked normally for days, and suddenly he stopped talking to me. I didn't call him anymore because I got tired of the disappointments. - I say, feeling sad.

- He had serious problems, that's why he didn't go. - she speaks with a tone of certainty.

- But he said he had already solved most of them...

- I am talking about other problems! And they are serious! I see debts! He's being watched, and maybe he doesn't even know it.

- More problems?!

- It's in that man's nature to have problems. It was a deliverance from God, Ana. Be glad!

While she was speaking, I had a vision... It was a cloudy and gray afternoon. There was an almost dry rose bush, with thorns and few leaves. The tallest branch had a rose with heart-shaped petals. One of the petals drops and breaks in half.

- Why didn't he talk to me anymore? – I ask nostalgically, looking at nothing.

- God does not let hm speak, He built a wall between you. This man's burden is great, and God does not want me to share it with you; he is in darkness, engulfed by it, and he often despairs. Darkness and light do not go together.

- Did things improve in your new business?

- No, when the beginning is poorly done, then everything leaves something to be desired. He doesn't realize that.

She puts the tray aside, opens her purse, takes her glasses, the bible; now with her head down, she opens it:

- We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. It came out in "1 Corinthians 2:6". – she reads, following with her finger, and continues. – His wisdom is for annihilation; he will always be the same.

She looks up, her glasses are on the end of her nose, and her eyes are shining.

- You're right. – I agree because that was what had been happening for over a year.

- Do you still have hope in your heart?

- Yes. - I answer, holding back the cry.

- The Lord knows that. It's not for hope. Your separation is absolute. The Lord loves you very much and protects you.

I nod my head positively, and she continues:

- The Lord helped you out of this, Ana, it was as if you were in a tangled web. If you stayed with him, you would be a slave to his darkness. You have the spirit of God, and the Lord is of glory. Your light did not reach this man. Remaining with him, your light would disappear, and whose slave would you be? The enemy's...

I remembered the vision I'd had about Thor months ago: his head, inside a black shadow with horns.

- You are complete when you come to God; actually, the spirit of God that is in you gets happy. Up to here. Amen. Thank you, my Lord.

- The word of God is perfect. - I whisper, feeling grateful.

- Chapter closed, says the Lord! He had the opportunity, but he lost it! - says my mother, smiling and closing the bible.

"This is the story of two people who liked each other, but, due to life circumstances, they didn't stay together" – I daydream.

We got up and continued the tour.

- I'm happy, mom! Thank you for bringing me the word.

- I said what the Lord said, and not a word more!

We chatted, had coffee, and at dusk I took her to the subway. She passed the turnstile smiling, then turned and waved her hand goodbye. With my eyes, I followed her until she disappeared into the crowd. I will miss you until our next meeting, dear mother...