Howard's Gamble

Howard's body seemed to contain enough strength to shatter dozens of mountains with one fist.

However, the most terrifying thing about him right now had to be the lack of fear in his eyes. 

When most people were in a situation of life or death, they would either react in one of two ways. One, they'd either feel extremely terrified, or courageous enough to fight back. However, Howard seemed to react a third way, he seemed to completely let go of any restraints that he'd been allowing to hold him back.

Whether it was Dark Ki, Silver Ki, Dream Ki, or his Fire Ki, he was using all of them at the same time. When he trained with Demon King Earl, he learned the importance of swapping between different types of Ki to save strength. Yet, right now, he wasn't doing that. He was literally trying to kill Kasten as fast as possible. Even if it meant all of his exploding, he wasn't going to let Reslan and Annibell died! Why did he train so hard otherwise!