Sarah’s revenge

Anne got dragged in the conversation among students after the incident that just happened, where Edward asked some of his friends to apologize to Anne directly in front of Professor Gilbert while the lesson was in progress. This news quickly arrived at Edward's lover's ears name Sarah. She then got emotional and the incident successfully provoked the fire of jealousy because she knew that his lover was defending another girl. It was actually trivial matters that should not be exaggerated, Sarah felt that she had full rights over Edward since she was his lover. She felt like she owned Edward completely including Edward's attention which she thought should only be given to her and not to be shared with other girls.

Therefore, she got irritated by the incident in Anne's classroom and she tried to find Anne to warn her. Sarah came to the cafeteria with her friends to find Anne who was enjoying lunch with Linda.


Sarah poured a glass of cold water right over Anne's head.