X friend

The sound of very festive applause accompanied the steps of a man whom Anne knew very well, a man who had caused a huge wound inside her three years ago. While everyone applauded enthusiastically, especially the girls, Anne only folded her hands on the table, which made Linda, who was sitting next to her feel uncomfortable. She repeatedly elbowed Anne's ribs, giving her a code to clap her hands too. But Anne ignored the code given by Linda. She still glared at Leon, who was standing in front of them all with a friendly smile on his face. 

From his seat, Edward, who saw Anne had been silent for a long time, put a faint smile on his handsome face. He was happy because Anne was not tempted by the three-day vacation to Ireland which he thought was normal. 

"Okay kids, calm down, let Mr. Leonardo Ganke speak," said Professor Gilbert in a loud voice as he raised his hands in the air trying to calm the students.