Begining to feel

After finishing buying Jack's fruit and then taking Anne to the flower shop according to their original purpose, Jack bought two large bags of fresh fruits. One for him and one for Anne of course. Even though at first Anne refused the fruits, she finally accepted it because Jack threatened to keep bothering her today if she didn't accept the fruit.

"Okay, you've arrived." Jack stopped the car when they reached Anne's flower shop.

"Thank you, I'm off. I have to quickly open the shop before Linda comes," said Anne quietly as she took off the seat belt that was attached to her body.

"Need my help, Anne?" Jack asked quietly.

Anne shook her head in response to Jack's question. She then opened the door to Jack's Bugatti Veyron to get off. Luckily, not many shops had opened, so no one knew that she just got out of the luxury supercar. Anne almost forgot about the bag of fruits if Jack didn't remind her.