
Jack woke up because his watch rang several times right next to his ear. Jack was a typical person who couldn't hear a sound while sleeping. Therefore, he immediately woke up when the clock rang, even though his eyes felt heavy, but Jack was forced to wake up. 

Accustomed to sleeping in a dark room, he felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the light was so bright when he opened his eyes. Jack tried to remember what happened last night. His memory only stopped when he got out of the elevator in Anne's apartment floor. 


Jack immediately realized that right now he was in Anne's apartment. He quickly got up to find Anne's whereabouts. His smile was wide when he saw Anne was asleep under a window on a white fur carpet while holding her laptop. 

At first, Jack wanted to approach Anne to give a morning kiss but he immediately canceled his intention when he smelled the very strong alcohol from his mouth.