Meeting again

Anne, who came home last night because she had to interview the courier candidate she needed this morning, woke up later than usual because she was exhausted. Even the sound of the alarm that had been previously set didn't wake her up. She finally woke up when she wanted to pee and realized that she had woken up late.

"Oh my God Anne, what's wrong with you. Today you have a class." 

Anne cursed herself as she dressed after she took a quick shower. As it was getting late and she didn't want to be late to campus, Anne finally chose a knee-length denim mini dress. With her favorite flat shoes with a cat picture, Anne went to campus by running towards the elevator. Because it was noon, no one was in the elevator. 

"Morning, Miss," said a security guard to Anne politely.

"It's noon sir," said Anne softly, smiling broadly so that her rows of white teeth could be seen.

"Why, it's still nine o'clock in the morning," said the security guard, confused.