
It had been two days since Paul worked at Anne's flower shop. Since Paul got a motorbike from Jack, he became more and more enthusiastic about working. At first, Linda, who doubted Paul, now praised him for having high spirits. He was like a tireless robot. After moving the heavy flower vases every morning, he would clean the shop windows with gusto. When he cleverly finished the job that Linda used to do, he was ready to send the orders that Anne had already prepared. 

"I suspect that he has a battery in his body, Anne," Linda whispered softly, commenting on Jack, who was putting two bouquets of flowers into a special box he made on his motorbike. 

"That's nonsense, Linda, you watch too many films about robots," said Anne softly with a sweet smile on her beautiful face at Linda's words.

"Seriously, Anne. Just look at him. He seems tireless and always has full energy," Linda said softly as she glanced at the alarm clock on the counter.