First warning

Without guilt, Leon immediately reached out his hand to Anne. He acted as if he had never done anything to Anne in the past.

"Nice to meet you again, Miss …"

"Marianne, but you can call me Anne, Sir," said Anne quickly as she grabbed Leon's hand and shook it without hesitation.

Leon's heart skipped a beat as Anne grabbed his hand and smiled at him. There was a strange feeling that he had never felt when he was with Steffi even in all these years.

"All right, then let's go in, Anne. We have something to discuss with you," said Professor Gilbert quietly.

"Yes, Professor," said Anne briefly, releasing her grip on Leon's hand.

Meanwhile, the unfocused Leon seemed to be stunned for a while, until soon he walked quickly following Anne's steps into Professor Gilbert's office. Anne, who realized that Leon was acting up, looked happy. It turned out that everything Jack had said was true. When she made her enemies closer, she could become calmer.