God's Destiny

Hearing the words of Anne who had accused him of sending asking someone to spy on her movements made Jack feel uncomfortable, he couldn't possibly say honestly that Anne's words were true. 

"I didn't ask someone to spy on you, I just asked them to look after you when I'm not there," said Jack quickly without hesitation.

"It's the same, Jack. It's the same as asking them to monitor what I'm doing right? After that, they reported everything to you, right?" asked Anne again.

"It's different, Anne. If they were only monitoring you, they wouldn't do anything if bad things happen to you. As for my subordinates, I ask them to take care of you, so if there were bad things happen, they would immediately act on them," replied Jack again.

"O my Lord, please give me patience in facing one of your creations who are so annoying." Anne closed her eyes as she thought softly in response to what Jack had said.