Back to Switzerland

On the way back home, Erick turned quiet. This happened after he found out that the new client of Muller Finance International named Olivia Cavaliere was gay. Jack, who had already guessed that Olivia was gay from the start, was not surprised at all when Olivia introduced a beautiful girl named Frederika as her fiancé.

"I still can't understand why such beautiful women would be gay," Erick said quietly for the umpteenth time.

"That's their choice, Erick, it's their right. You can't stop them. Moreover, I'm sure their parents must have known about them. So we are just outsiders and can't interfere in or protest their personal issues," said Jack suddenly joining in on the conversation. .

"Yes, Sir, that is their right. It's just that why should they? They are very beautiful and I'm sure there must be many men who will be ..."

"Attracted to them, just like you," said Jack again cutting Erick's words.
