Leonardo Ganke's Cunning Wits

It had been four days and Anne still had to take her final semester exam which ended today. She, who had known the materials well, didn't have any difficulties at all. For him, all the questions were still too easy, but that didn't apply to Linda and several other students. Every time the exam was over, there were always whining sounds from the students who were annoyed because they had difficulty in answering the questions and Anne would only smile every time she heard the whining from her friends, like the last exam today.

Edward, who had left his class five minutes ago, went straight to Anne, who was tidying her belongings and was getting ready to go with Linda. They both planned to dine out with Paul, who had prepared everything at the flower shop as a celebration of the last day of the exam.

"Hi Anne," Edward greeted Anne in a friendly manner. 

"Hi Edward," said Anne quietly.