A Confession  

Anne, who was still talking to Jack through the phone, tried to follow the instructions he gave. Without saying much, Anne stepped into the underground parking area where Jack was. Because Jack had told her where the car was, Anne had no trouble finding it. In a short time, she had managed to find Jack's car with the engine still running. Anne slowly got into Jack's car.

"Jack!!! Are you okay?"

Anne waved her hand at Jack who was holding her shoulders as soon as she got into the car. Anne almost screamed loudly if Jack didn't stop and stare at her silently.

"Jack, let me go. My shoulder hurts," said Anne quietly, trying to let herself go from Jack's grip that was holding her shoulders tightly.

Jack, who was daydreaming at the thought of fucking Anne, didn't hear what Anne said to him. His consciousness finally got back when Anne pinched his thigh hard.

"Ouch… it hurts Anne, what are you doing?" Jack screamed in pain.