Still Waiting

Holding back his anger, Jack took Anne to his room. He ignored his clothes which were dirty from Anne's vomit. Some of the maids just smiled when they saw Jack was carrying Anne into the room. Because they didn't want to disturb them, the servants finally chose to clean up the rest of Anne's vomit near the sofa. Erick, who was previously called by Jack, came in a hurry and looked confused when he couldn't find the master who called him.

"Mr. Jack has brought Miss Anne to the room." A middle-aged maid told Erick what Jack was doing.


"Yes sir," answered another maid quickly.

Erick only smiled at the words of the master's maid. Because he did not want to interfere with Jack's activities, Erick finally returned to the study to finish his pending task of interrogating the private detectives sent by Steffi.

"This idiot is really just looking for trouble, who told you..."
