Officially Move-In

After finishing breakfast, Anne changed into the clothes that Erick had brought from her apartment. She was currently sitting on the sofa while watching Jack's servants tidying up a room on the second floor which would be her temporary room when staying at Jack's house. Jack, who had never done any house chores in his entire life, now looked very eager to help his servants arrange a room for Anne. Jack even rejected Erick who wanted to help out. Now, Erick could only stand beside Anne like a bodyguard while watching his master work with the servants.

"In the last five years I worked with him, I never saw him like this, Ma'am. You are so lucky to see him willing to do all this," Erick spoke in a low, half-whispered voice to Anne, commenting on Jack who was setting the standing mirror position for Anne. Jack knew that many women liked large standing mirrors for their rooms recently. That was why he voluntarily moved his standing mirror to Anne's new room.