Contract Letter

Jack, who was very ready to meet Leonardo Ganke, the man he hated so much, now looked very excited, thatl Erick had to calm him down so he wouldn't overdo it when he was dealing with Leonardo Ganke, who was currently his co-worker. However, Jack had to keep his professionalism when he met Leon for a moment and harbored his annoyance at the German man. 

"Where's my special guest?" Jack asked quietly at the receptionist who greeted him out of the elevator.

"Mr. Leonardo Ganke and his assistant are waiting for you in the waiting room in front of you," the receptionist answered quickly.

"Nice. Oh right, please order us lunch from the most delicious restaurant near our office. I want to welcome this special guest to the maximum," asked Jack suddenly as he stepped closer to the waiting room mentioned by the receptionist. 

"Yes sir." 
