An Unknown Enemy 

Anne stepped into the bathroom shortly after Jack left. Under the cold shower, Anne was silent without doing anything. Remembering what Jack had done a moment ago made her lost for words. Even though Jack didn't force her to have sex, but what Jack did to her really made her speechless. Using her hands, Anne rubbed her chest where Jack had left the mark. Although she knew that her efforts were in vain, but she continued to do so until the skin around her chest became red.

"You're bad, Jack... Didn't you say you wouldn't do that to me first, Jack, sob. You're bad Jack...bad!!"

Anne's tears broke when she touched her chest which had been sucked by Jack. Even though she and Jack had made a promise, but Anne felt that what they were doing was not legally strong. And Anne didn't want Jack to touch her first before their marriage was actually legalized by the state. Leon dumped her, which made her always felt vulnerable with the word marriage.