The charm of Alan Knight

Being the sole heir to the multi-millionaire David Clarke had made Alan a target for many beautiful women, ranging from top artists to beautiful and sexy socialites, they were all vying for Alan. However, none of them managed to have a relationship with Alan, because he only wanted to date his women once. After that, he would look for another woman who would be happy to accompany the handsome heir on the bed, although not a few women had tried to expose their relationships with Alan, but they had not succeeded in actually telling the public about their love affair with the handsome man. The reason was that Alan had skilled people who would swiftly delete news of his love life on the internet, so that the good name of Alan Knight Clarke remained untarnished. 

Tonight Alan attended a wedding party of one of his business partners, in a private villa that was very tightly guarded and attended only by high-class circles.